i don't suppose you kids heard the first bell, did you? the first bell was saying, 'start going to class, it's time to go to class.' in about thirty seconds the second bell is going to be saying, 'already be in class.' why do i have trouble believing you? button it, kramer. classes are starting. be there or beware. well, i think we can safely say that something's going on with you, buffy. now, there's nothing to be nervous about; you're not in any trouble. i just hoped maybe we could talk. don't think of me as gary murray, administrator. think of me as gary murray, party guy! happening dude who can talk to the young. me and you. it's open. tell me. it's drugs, isn't it? hey, there's nothing to be afraid of! i know where you're coming from. believe me. i'll tell you the truth. i've had my drug experiences, too. i did a lot -- i did some acid in the sixties. well, the late seventies, actually. it was at a doobie brother's concert. and i could see the music flowing into me, it was bright red and electric, and i felt like a big toaster, and i thought, maybe i am a toaster, we're all molecules, and my friend melissa, her head looked like a big party balloon, and that scared me, i started to freak out. i guess you're surprised. well, you know, there's more to most people than meets the eye. everybody's got a secret. i just want you to know that you can always share your secrets with me. what you say in this office, it will stay in this office. i'm your pal. all right, everybody stay calm. what's going on? everybody be quiet! i got detention slips here, i'm not afraid to use them. let's get away from these windows! find something to cover them with. just a minute, you! i'm not finished with you!