you were a bone out there today. anyway, i'm booked. gonna spend some quality time with the little woman. you guys are pathetic. no way. you'd get her dirty. he would, honey. he's an animal. you okay? bye! they think my name's bobby? real 'quality-timers,' hugh. hey, it works for me. if they want to leave you alone in the house, all helpless and vulnerable. it's the news, buffy. i just want to see the basketball scores. it's important. of course, there are. other considerations. buffy! hey, what's the sitch?!? wake up! you were having a nightmare. what'd you dream about? come on, what was it? hey there. the senior dance? how about. 'our friend, the beer?' stay away from my thang. sorry, honey. 'thing.' well, um. litter? write that down. we're having a very important discussion here. something from your childhood, maybe? are you going out with jeffrey tonight? hey, baby, how ya doing? you look beat. where were you last night? i called your house like four times. i can't get sick. you know -- training and all. i'm gonna be late. i don't know. coach said i had to work on my 'ab's.' what's with you? yeah, keep your mitts off my thang. i'll pop you one. did he scare you? so i noticed. nice to feel needed. yes! so that's your tutor, huh? what is he, like, your boyfriend now? buffy, what are you doing here? i'm here with jenny. oh, come on, buffy. you know what's going on. it's not working out at all. i've got to move on. i mean, i've got needs, too. i told you about all this. didn't you get my message? you weren't home. like always. i'm out of here. jenny. oh, baby! buffy? well, i'm done. are you done? okay, let's go. i heard she got straight a's. that's what i heard.