your parents are always going away for the weekend. you're so lucky.
my mom doesn't go anywhere. she even does the shopping network. i'm gonna die a virgin.
oh, my god. is that true?
are there any good sicknesses that aren't too depressing?
hi, jeffrey.
okay, what else?
it's 'cause he's so tiny.
what are you talking to them for?
where'd you learn how to do that?
what happened?
you're kidding.
oh, my god! ouch! no wonder you quit.
what was the step after.  the one from thursday. i never learned it right, i don't think.
hey, i was thinking, for the dance, what about a big sign that says 'don't tread on me'. you know, and a picture of the earth.
i never thought of that.
so they found cassandra's body out by the railway tunnels. nobody's saying anything, but they think she was involved in something, like, illegal or something. like dealing.
probably was. what do you suppose she was doing out there.
what is she.
i got all the plastic stuff. what should i do with it?
hi, buffy.
does jeffrey know?
he doesn't look fifty.
and spring fling.
oh, yes! yes!
make me a woman! yes! make me a woman!
no --
but --
she was even crazier after that. i mean it, you wouldn't even have recognized her.
she didn't even hardly talk to anyone in school. all year. she didn't even go to the prom.