will you guys shut up, please? booo! wrong answer! no prize. no, we didn't. we have to learn to let go. no trouble. we just want to eat. come on, come on, fork up the scub. we're looking at a dog, possible coffee. it's coffee. can we have a hot dog, please, medium rare, and a cup of joe? yeah, we're drunk. we're the drunks. what's your name? do people ever call you 'buffy the buffalo?' i'm just wondering. the don't. you kind of wish they would, though. i'm sorry. i'm pike. this is benny. hey, wait a minute. we hate you guys! you guys were way rude. it was shocking. so you have to ruin the movie for us? you know, other people have feelings, too. bummer metaphor. you didn't like them. would you sleep with them? well, there it is, isn't it? you don't even like them, and you'd sleep with them. what's that all about? oh, yeah, and then you'll never call me. i'll have it running in a week. it's be beauty. it just needs new shocks, you know, break pads, an engine, and some wheels. it'll be totally cherry. you think? split? our own world, where we could live and grow beans. hundreds of beans. don't worry, benny. i'm here for you. i'm here for you, ralf. benny, man, where you been? you bailed on me, i passed out, man, i almost did a jimi hendrix! hey, i'm trying, but this window is burnt -- wait a minute. what's wrong with you, man? you look like shit, benny. no offense, man, but i think you're on something nasty. why don't you just go and cool out and i'll see you in the morning or something. get away from here. i mean it. you said you'd have the part by two! christ, it's almost dark. i'm leaving, man. i'm bailing town. this place has gotten way too hairy. hey, have you seen benny lately? you should think about leaving, too, man. sell this place. something's going on here. i don't know. something real weird. i don't think so. i am. run. come on, come on. don't leave me, baby. come on, breathe. this is for the money, baby. make me proud. oh, give me a break. hi there. it was. i think it's pretty much ready for the -- that's okay. umm, listen, i'm not. i have to fall down now. oh, i'm good. i'm good. kind of miss my knees, though. water. okay. do you do this kind of thing a lot? i mean, is this like a hobby? they were vampires, weren't they? god! unbelievable. vampires. yeah, i was bailing. i have a friend, and he's really. well, he's really vampire, i guess. bad scene. thanks. tomorrow morning, i'm on a bus. i'm gone. well, i've always wanted to see oxnard. hey, jeez are you okay? you need a hand? who are you? i'm sorry, i just mean. well you seemed like such a flake. but, in a good way! i can just keep talking till you strike me dead, or. i'll back that up. i know. my guidance counselor never mentioned anything about vampires. 'prison' came up a few times, but nothing about undead. no, you're not. i think i'll just hang out here. make sure the sun comes up and everything. oh, i'll be fine. got my chair, got my window, i'm great. hey, buffy. you know, you saved my life. and i just wanted to say. i forgive you for talking during the movie. almost. i didn't mean it! i didn't mean it! i know. i don't know. i kind of thought i ought to be here. you know, this isn't exactly the kind of thing you can run away from. besides, oxnard sucks. listen, i. i really do want to help. i mean, these guys are dag nasty, and somewhere my best friend is out there, and i'd like to, i don't know. even the score. do some damage. i'm good with damage. i think i could help. you gonna tell me you don't need help? buffy? what's wrong? who? buffy, hey, i've been looking all over for you. i been working on some stuff for you. what'cha doing? cool. i could actually use a couple of allen wrenches. what do you need? dress, huh? what for? come again? second word. sound like 'dance'. what for? i don't believe this. the world's under attack by the legions of the undead and you're going to a mixer? you got that right. i thought you wanted to kill vampires. listen, i know you're bummed about your friend, and i'm really sorry. but, buffy, you're the guy, the chosen guy. i should have known. benny was right. you guys are all exactly the same. i'm not disappointed, i'm just angry. i crashed your party. that's me. yeah, you look like you're having a swell time. will i get the shit kicked out of me if i ask you to dance? yeah, well, you're the one i'm afraid of. you know, you're not like the other girls. looks like you're busted. looks bad, buffy. you want some punch? there's gotta be a back way out of here, or something. are you nuts, buffy? there's a hundred of them out there. they'll rip us apart. you say that like it's a bad thing. buffy, there's no way you're going out there alone. come on, move. yes! i'll bet you feel stupid. bring round the table. get 'em. the heart! stab them in the heart! are you okay? i didn't say it was a bad idea, i just said the timing was off. we could maybe wait till later. who's afraid? besides me, i mean. you're the boss, boss. i just thought maybe we should wait.