ain't he warning up? better find our bonus baby, eh? c'mon big 'un, you're okay. it's a league record. league record. and he hit the radio announcer, a sportswriter, and the bull mascot twice -- also league records -- joe, the guy's got some serious shit. who're you? oh yeah. i shoulda throwed a slider. damn, crash, how're ya? he's got a million dollar arm and a five cent head. but he ain't quite sure which plane he's on, y'know what i mean. you go to college or what? sears sucks, crash, i tried it once. sold lady kenmores -- it's nasty, nasty work. baby love, oh oh, baby love, i need ya oh how i need ya, all ya do is treat me bad, take my heart and leave me sad. we're eight and sixteen. eight and twenty-four. it's a miracle. and one helluva guy. i heard he's wearing women's underwear -- and he's breathing through his pingala nostril. he said his chakras were jammed and he was breathing out of the wrong nostril. it's a damn convention. what the hell's going on out here? oh. i thought there was a problem. some kid hittin' .300 in lynchburg. probably a bust.