i'm sorry, was that too much? well you're pretty tight. you have to feel it or---- i'll be back in a minute. we'll work on opening those hips. oh wow. any good? click on, uh. yeah. what? cripes. did you have to send a picture? that guy----wait----that guy wasn't bad. no, before. yeah. he uh, he might not be a loser. that's a brioni suit. shit yeah. he looks like his optometrist has a sense of humor. huh-huh-huh. what does he do? that's cool. plugs. hi linda. did you call that guy? holy shit. this is some heavy shit. no. fuck. i can't believe this. this is like. intelligence shit. this is, like, i can't believe this shit i'm seeing. manolo found this, like, cd just lying in a locker. locker floor. ladies' locker room. and i'm like, whoa, someone's music or what, so i come in here and it's these files, man. like it's talking about sigint, and signals and shit. which, signals means code, you know. talking about like, section heads here, and their names and shit. and then these other files are just, like, numbers. arrayed. numbers and dates and numbers. and numbers. i think * that's the shit, man. the raw intelligence. wul. throw it out? put a note up? highly classified shit found, signals intelligence shit, cia shit? hello! did you lose your secret cia shit? i don't think so. look, manolo. you didn't find this. yeah, i know, but omygod. omygod. uh-huh. so, like, i couldn't tell you this on your totally unsecure phone, but i know who the guy is. the guy, the secret guy. um. i don't know if he's high up. probably. i mean, i know his name, not like his rank. osbourne. cox. oh, like you're so plugged in to the intelligence community. well i think like the quality of the intelligence dictates how high up he is. not what we know. and i also got his----do you have any water? i gotta hydrate. are you kidding? sources. do you have like gatorade? anything besides, like, maryland swamp water? you know how far this is from my place? i have this geek friend, ernie gallegos? he does computer stuff, hooks up people's computers and programs their vcrs'n shit? so he examines the files and he pulls off the digital watermark that tells what computer they were created on. fucking child's play for ernie. i also have his telephone number. that was a little harder. shall we give him a tinkle? because he's gonna wanna know that his shit is secure. you know, he's gonna be relieved. he might even be so relieved he gives us a reward----i would be very fucking surprised if he did not. very surprised. like, you know, the * good samaritan tax. which is not even a tax, really, since it's voluntary. hello? osbourne? osbourne cox? are you. uh. osbourne cox? i'm a good samaritan. i'm sorry i'm calling at such an hour, but i thought you might be worried. about the security. of your shit. your files----your documents. i know these documents are sensitive. but i am perfectly happy to return to you your sensitive shit. at a time of your choosing. osbourne cox? settle down, osbourne. ok. "the bureau chief in belgrade we * all called slovak the butcher. he had very little report with his staff, and his despatches were marked by---- don't blow a gasket, osbourne. i have---- it's not important where i---- oh! why so uptight, osbourne cox? i'm just a good samaritan, like, a traveler on the road who has happened upon---- linda, i'll do it! you know, this is a major inconvenience for us and we thought, you know, a reward---- well, yeah, uh. why not? i mean, this is not----am i out of line here? hello? we just---- sorry. geeze. i am very fucking surprised he did not give us the reward. but it doesn't sound like he's gonna play ball. well, that's----he sounds very senior. i think this is some senior guy who has screwed the pooch, big-time. yuh-huh. yuh-huh. right. yup. it sure has. big time. well----you mean----go home and change? i was gonna ride my bike. do i have time? osbourne cox? yes i am. you have the money? that's what was agreed upon, osbourne cox. perhaps. but appearances can be---- deceptive. appearances can be----deceptive. i am a mere good samar---- you think that's a schwinn? as soon as you give me the money, dickwad! i'm not----huhgf! you fuck! you fuck! you fucker! you're the fucker! he hit me! he didn't give it to me that fucker! hey----what're you---- oh shit! wait, wait! we gotta go back! we gotta go back! my bike! it's just a kryptonite lock----you can open those fuckers with a bic pen! where we going? my bike! what is this? is there a men's room? very high up. i'm just saying he's high up! that fucker really hit me. name, rank and serial number. we, um. we know our rights. i don't think so. i'm at 1442 westerly---- i just---- it was unavoidable. this won't happen again. why did you tell him we could get more stuff? that's all manolo found! that was everything! what're we, gonna tell manolo to scoop some more secret shit off the locker room floor! what. i'm sorry. yuh-huh. i'm sorry. right: osbourne cox. um. i guess. why? his neighborhood? laundry marks? * okay. nuhhh!