because i have lactose reflux. but i can---- yes, but i can---- i know what they are. thank you for correcting me. yeah. i can eat goat cheese. i was just explaining to your husband here, i have a condition---- very amusing. the gun is actually no big deal. twenty years in the marshall's service and i've never discharged my weapon. what? i don't have a psychiatrist. sandy writes children's books. oliver the cat who. who. arghh----who---- who lives in the rotunda. excuse me. yeah, it's a beloved series. you wouldn't believe her fan mail. unghh. are you sure this is goat cheese? i'm sorry----was i---- goddamnit. he knows, doesn't he. nice floors. about us, he knows about us. little prick. what is that, forbo? what a horse's ass. well, she's all right. i should try to get a run in. and then, you know, you grow up. i guess that's what's happened with me. you just. people change. we married when i was, what, in my mid- twenties. a kid. we were kids. twenties. you think it's forever. then, you know, you're older----you begin to feel your mortality, you start to think, well, there's no more time for dishonesty. subterfuge. you go, i'm not that person. the choices you made, you can't, just through inertia---- i'm just thinking, whoa. i mean, frankly, i'm thinking, whoa. i, i, i guess that's what i should be thinking about too. with sandy. yes! absolutely! and you should be getting rid of that bozo. no question about that. i agree. well yes, if you were uh, you know, yes. yes, i should settle things. with sandy. because of you and me. it just takes, courage, you know. to inflict that pain. scary stuff. scary stuff. you're a brave lady. well, of course, it would be easier for you. well you know, because he's such a dope. but sandy, she's. a good lady. a very special lady. well that's. a little---- no, that's understood. you've been very straight. absolutely. not just fun and games. absolutely. yeah, yeah, it's me. oh baby. top secret. you're gonna knock 'em dead. how many cities? why do they always have you do seattle. not a big market. i can think of a couple of things. i'll be sad. but i'll be okay. just the right amount. i am crazy about you, baby. yeah, i did the whole bodyguard thing for years. my guy was in state, the secretary in fact, so of course i traveled a lot. "ironside is leaving the building." we called him iron ass. not to his face, of course. not to his ass, either! ah, he was okay. but, personal protection----that's a young man's game. sure. does it have shellfood in it? * `cause i have this sensitivity. i, uh, * go into anaphylactic shock. my larynx * swells up, closes off the----ah what the * hell. * anyway, my job's more administrative * now, not so much pp. personal * protection. though i still carry the gun. it's no big deal. never discharged it, twenty years service. security blanket now. i don't think about it---- course, you're not supposed to think about it; in a situation where your man is threatened the training kicks in. muscle memory. reflex----those are outrageous. wanna swap? ----but there was just a hell of a lot of political infighting, petty, petty, shit, and then basically the old man stepped on goldberger's throat. nice. wide-plank pine? listen, full disclosure here linda. i'm not wearing a wedding ring but i am married. took the ring off, what, eighteen months ago when we agreed to separate. agreed to disagree. that's about the only thing we ever agreed on. well, full transparency, the only way to---- well let's go in the other room and find out! grrr! mm. i'm just. wondering if it's the right time. no no. no, you and me are rock solid. that's why i, uh, i think we can afford to be big. we can think about ozzie, whether maybe we should let him get himself together a little before you hammer him with, um---- of course not, but---- yes, but---- no, uh-huh, of course not. but, i'm saying----i'm no friend of the guy. you know that. i think he's an arrogant little geek. but for christ sakes, you and me have all the time in the world, and he just lost his job---- yeah. most of the people who "quit" in this town were fired. i feel sorry for the guy. and he'll be easier to deal with when he doesn't feel. cornered. of course we're talking about ozzie. baby, i stand by you whatever you do. i adore you. i love you so much. no no, doesn't start for five minutes. you haven't seen this, have you? i hear it's terrific. pardon our dust, i, uh----the ex is in the process of moving out. damn! i told her i wanted to expedite this. we, uh, you know you try to act like an adult. oh! come on downstairs. do you like surprises? i gotta tell ya----i saw an ad for this in a gentleman's magazine----twelve hundred bucks. i take a look at this thing, i think, jesus, you gotta be kidding----i'm a hobbyist, this is basically nothing but speed-rail, i could probably go to home depot and whip this up myself for, like, a hundred bucks. what is it. you siddown, feet in the stirrups, and. isn't that somethin'? hundred bucks all-in if you don't count my labor. and the, you know----cost of the dildo. those things are not cheap. but i lack the, uh, i'm not set up to mold hard rubber. what's the odometer say? about five or approximately five? i mean----about f---- okay, fine----i gotta do at least five. five and a deuce is okay. you kiddin'----pull around the corner we'll do it again in back! no, back of the car. i didn't mean a rear-entry, uh---- emerging from the park onto another street. he looks around and, satisfied that he has lost the tail, jogs on. jogging, entering a residential area. ahhhhhhhhhh! hello? hello? hungh! hello? omygod. omygod. omygod who are you. you fucker. omygod. you fucker. omygod, my god. ungh. omygod. what the fuck. oh my fuck. i killed a fucking spook. you fucker. what are you doing here, you fucker. do i? nn. work. huh? you know: you're really a very negative person. i've tried. to ignore it. and stay upbeat. stop the foolishness? honey. it's so good to hear your voice. no. yes. can you come home? your baby needs you. can you please come home? i can show you your present. it's finished. yeah. yeah. okay. yeah. love you too. hey! fucker! fucker! fucker! who do you work for?! who do you work for?! tell me! who do you work for? cia? nsc? what? tuchman marsh? your name is. tuchman marsh? you. work for tuchman marsh. which is a law firm. well. why are you following me? my. my wife hired you?! you're----you're----a divorce detective. but this is divorce. yeah? yeah? you can't tell her anything she doesn't already know, fucker. you want. sandy's number? you think a marriage is. and then you. was it? well, yeah. right. i am depressed. i gotta exercise. i haven't run in three days. butt- crunches. anything. do you think i could stay here for a little while? what? what's wrong, baby? what's wrong, baby? harry's here. i'm sorry, baby---- i'll be good. i'll be better. i just need to exercise. are there pedestrian paths around here? who the fuck is chad? wait a minute, what's his name? what happened? okay. you know his social security number? it's okay. that's okay. what's the last place you saw him? okay baby. we'll find your friend. missing person. piece of cake. hello there sunshine. you look great. yeah, i snuck in a little gym time this morning. and our exercise last night didn't hurt! boy, i am through banging my head against the wall. i am gonna start doing what's right for me. yeah! hell yeah! i mean i had a shock recently, and i realized you know, life is not infinite. no one's immortal. you have to get from each day its full, uh, squeeze the juice from every day because there but for the grace of god---- that's right, don't sweat the small stuff. and it's all small stuff. this is where we first met. remember? you never know what the important days are, until. until, um. i told myself i was gonna stop being paranoid, but. is that guy looking at us? nothing yet, i've made a couple calls. i don't think it'll take long. oh yeah, there are so many data bases now it's a joke. back when i was in pp there was still some art to finding people. not any more. and now with the cell phones? pretty soon they're gonna know where everyone is. everyone. at any given moment. i mean it's almost the reality now. you would be amazed. did he----when you left the jamba juice ----did chad say anything about where he might be going? oh yeah? who are you? who are you? who do you work for? who are you? really?