you're home. did you pick up the cheeses? were they ready? i didn't know you were coming home this early. i left a message for you to stop at todaro's. the magruders and the pfarrers are coming over. what? she said. she would give you. the message. so you didn't get the cheeses. oh for fuck's sake, ozzie, you mean i have to go out again? all right, well, you better get dressed. not right now. they'll be here in, what, less than an hour. you should try the chevre, harry. it's very good. harry works with the marshalls' * service. * why don't you let your wife tell them about her own books, harry? here, come in the kitchen, help me with the crudits. knows what? don't be an ass, he doesn't know a thing. she is staring, in front of a mirror, face covered in cold cream, one hand arrested on the way up to daub on more. you quit?! well----thank you for letting me know! you tried? you tried? and then---- what, the aphasia kicked in? why?! for fuck's sake, ozzie! you're tired. uh-huh. did you get a pension, or severance or something, or---- but i suppose my benefits are all right, i suppose you can live with those, is that the idea? yes? yes? what're you gonna do? consulting. write. write what. yes. this is my fear. he's trying---- he says----he's trying to pull himself together, but. no. ozzie! i'm thinking of divorcing ozzie. that's what you were just saying. so if i were divorced---- why's that? i don't see that. she's a cold, stuck-up bitch. you and i should sort things out. i've told you that this is not just frivolity. i thought i was loud and clear. who is it? who is that? ozzie, what is going on. what in god's name is going on? your what? your what? why in god's name would they think that's worth anything. it'll piss ozzie off. mr. terikhian, i have given my husband second chances galore. there are limits to my charity. yes. understood. ----which to my mind is all the more reason to lower the boom on ozzie. that's it? "mm"? of course it's the right time. why wouldn't it be the right time. does it threaten you? is that how you see me, "hammering" him? weren't those your words? i don't "hammer." he didn't lose it, he quit. maybe. as long as we're talking about ozzie and not you. please get the check. yes?. yes?. is there blood in his stool?. yes, soon. it's after two. i have to get back to work. ozzie! goddamnit, ozzie, what have you done to the car?! ozzie! all right. all right. five. for fuck's sake, harry, it's five miles. five point two. i'm surprised you have any energy left. you are very coarse. ach. i'm late---- you seem distracted. very distracted. the last two days. that's enough carrots, don't you think? for the salad? what? harry: stop the foolishness. yes. and behave. you are not talking to one of your. "shithole buddies."