i write children's books---- i don't know why we see them. she is a cold, stuck-up bitch. harry? is that you? honey! honey! my cab is here, i'm off. mystery man. what is that thing? seattle, san francisco, los angeles, chicago. i don't know, lots of independent bookstores. rains all day, what are people gonna do. you can think of one thing. it better be the peninsula. the money i make for them. are you gonna be okay? not too sad. hello? something wrong, harry? harry, you know i---- oh harry. i can't just leave the book tour. there are two days left. there's still seattle. i love you, harry. yes? hi. you've written a children's book? pappas & swain do children's literature. very well thank you. and you. yes. good talking to you. and it was just then----at that very moment----that oliver sneezed---- thank you. that wasn't discussed. i'm sorry, i made plans. it's fine. it's fine. thank you. we're finished. thought that would never be over. let me scrub this crap off my face.