uh-huh. hang on. i am not comfortable with this. manolo found it. i am not comfortable with this. * i am not touching this. i want this out of here. look, you figure it out, i am not comfortable with this. i want this * out of hardbodies. we're running a gym here! just a tab. whoa! there's a payroll company, you know. they don't just advance people money. they just don't do that. i mean, sure, i could say, yes, i * authorize it, but that's not going to mean anything to them. you're a beautiful woman! you don't need i think it's a very beautiful----it's not a phoney-baloney hollywood body---- oh come on! well there's a lot of guys who'd like you just the way you are. well, i don't know. am i a loser? lemme tell you something. i wasn't always a manager at hardbodies. i, um. * fourteen years, a greek orthodox priest. congregation in chevy chase. mm-hm. well. it's a long story. anyway, lotta ways i'm happier now. my point is. my point is. it's a journey. well, sometimes, you know, you don't look in your own back yard, you're never gonna see---- uh-huh, but i'm saying, maybe you don't have to, you know. to---- it's not going to do any good, linda. that's great. that sounds. exciting. well, i---- that's good, but. but. linda, what do you really know about this guy? but he could be one of these people who, you know, who cruises the internet---- a line to check in, towels piling up. manolo running around like crazy----what happened to your nose? this is not acceptable at hardbodies. you two know better than that. this is no way. but you won't tell me what's going on. you're changing, linda. very sad. linda. you okay? you don't look fine. you won't tell me what it's about. you never let me in, linda. uh-huh. well, i don't know what to think. you both go awol on friday; today chad doesn't bother to come in at all---- linda, i can't run a gym this way. i'm going to have to fire him. what? to what? linda---- linda. i have to tell you. a man was here earlier asking about you. linda, are you in some kind of trouble? is chad running from something? whuh----yes, he was asking about you. employment history, et cetera. real jerk. i told him to get lost. well, we. we just don't give that out at hardbodies. no-o-o-o-o-o way. no way. whoa. no way, linda. no. linda, the whole thing is crazy. it was crazy the first time, and you want to do it again? break into the man's house? and why would----why would----you said the russians didn't even want this stuff! linda, these surgeries---- what do you mean "get him back"! what do you mean "get him back"! you don't know where he is! you ask the police to help you find missing people! and you---- linda, i---- seven & seven. no. i'm not here representing hardbodies. i don't represent that, either. she's not---- no. ah! oh!