and you say he doesn't remember any of it? hold it, hold it, andrea. let's not jump to conclusions. i'll run some preliminary tests, see what we can rule out. tell you what, bring evan here tonight and we'll run a cat-scan series. hello, evan. it's very nice to meet you. he's as handsome as his father. uh, tell you what, evan. if it's okay with your mother, i'd like to run some tests. nothing scary. okay, it might be a little scary. look, andrea, i'm sure he'll test negative for brain disorders. but there's something else you can try to monitor his memory. a journal. just have him write down everything he does. it could be extremely useful to jog his memory. see if he remembers anything new the next day. and i'll have the test results back in a few days. well, the good news is that the results are negative. i've found no evidence in the way of lesions, hemorrhaging, tumors. unfortunately, we've got nothing to work with. it's harder playing detective now. if i had to guess, i'd say the blackouts are stress related. plenty. who knows? maybe he's got severe coping problems about not having a father. did you say the last blackout occurred when he was with his friend's dad. you'd be surprised how often they are. it's worth a shot. i can arrange a controlled meeting. a careful dose of sedatives for jason, some security, you and i monitoring. evan comes in for a quick visit and with any luck, no more missing father complex. not in this wing, actually. no. with every breath you exhale, you can feel all of the tension draining from your body like water through a faucet. nine, ten, and you're completely asleep. relaxed. now i want you to go back to the time you were in the woods with lenny. think of it like a movie. you can pause, rewind, or slow down any details you wish. understand? where are you now? are you hurting her? okay. then go a little forward in time. what do you see now? yes, tell me about the car. go on. nothing can hurt you. remember, this is only a movie. you're completely safe. the car doesn't vanish evan. the movie in your head has broken, that's all. but now i've re-spliced it and i want you to tell me about the car. fight it evan. hurry. it's coming! okay, evan. listen to my voice! on the count of ten, you're going to wake up. feeling refreshed and remembering everything we talked about. one. you're feeling more awake now. two, your eyes no longer feel heavy. five. six. refreshed and awake! seven, eight. come on, evan, wake up, dammit! nine, ten. and you're awake! open your eyes, dammit! it's a little complicated. i haven't seen results exactly like these before. actually, these tests weren't available twenty years ago. this is where we're finding most of the hemorrhaging. the outer lining of the cerebral cortex. i've never seen anything like this. i've compared these to the ones taken last year, and there's evidence of severe hemorrhaging and massive neural reconstruction. hey, evan. what's the big rush? we don't meet for another hour. books? it kills me to have to go through this again. there are no journals. there never were. it's part of this fantasy world your mind created to cope with the guilt of killing. think evan. you've invented a disease that doesn't exist. alternate universes with colleges, prisons, paraplegia. you remind me of your father. he always screamed for a photo album even though he never had one. jesus, no. the hemorrhaging. the neural damage is irreparable. i'm frankly surprised he still has use of his motor functions. he's not in his room. search the grounds.