mommy lives far away but she comes and visits. evan, guess what? dad got a new video camera and we're all gonna be in a movie. quit it, tommy. evan gets to be robin hood. i'm gonna be maid marian, and you're the sheriff of nottingham! you are, silly. he's a bad sheriff. you're better off anyway. we should go soon. if dad catches us smoking down here, we're dead. evan, did i tell you? my mother said i might be able to visit her this summer in orlando with her new family. where the hell are you taking us anyway? just blow something up already. oh god. what did we do? i'm sorry. you really don't remember anything that happened? you're so lucky. ouch. it's not your fault. mrs. kagan called dad and blamed us for what happened to lenny. i deserve a lot worse. okay. what do you mean? he's been acting real strange lately. he won't even look me in the eyes anymore. did your mom say if lenny was. okay? hi, lenny. so what did you do in there? do you see that? oh my god oh my god. god, evan! i never thought i'd see you again. how've you been? no, evan. i don't know. it's been a long time. fill me in. i've stopped a hundred times. they kept him in juvy for a few years. now he works over at dale's autobody. no. i emancipated myself when i was fifteen. not if you remember my dad. she had a new family. not enough space for me. said i should have moved in with her when we were kids. but. whatever. me? are you kidding? why? of course. well, sure. i'll try to remember. shoot. what do you want to know, evan? it was a long time ago. is that why you came all the way back? to ask a lot of stupid questions about robin hood? is there a point to any of this? just shut up, evan. you're wasting your breath. who are you trying to convince, evan?! you come all the way out here to stir up my shit just because you had a bad memory!? you want me to cry on your shoulder and tell you that everything's all better now? well fuck you, evan! nothing's gonna be all better! okay?! nothing ever gets better! if i was so wonderful, evan, why didn't you ever call me? why'd you leave me here to rot?! don't you ever touch me again. i'm cold. and i'm putting on my clothes. honey, are you all right? oh my god, evan. you're bleeding! look at you! mmmm. you give good compliment. clean up and come back to bed. those are your clothes, silly. well i remember he had one. but he, like, put it away after the first day. why would that freak me out? such a goofus. see you tonight. oh my god, that was good. where'd you learn all those new tricks? yeah, if you call multiple orgasms weird. fuck 'em. as if my dad could've stopped me from seeing you. what's he gonna do to me? that is the plan, right? hell or high water? i don't understand, where are you taking me? i don't know what to say. it's beautiful. why are you doing all this for me? don't. he's probably watching. it's my fault. i should have told you he was released a few weeks ago. please, evan. don't even joke. he wouldn't hurt you. he's just trying to scare you away from me. it's not his fault, evan. you knew how bad he had it when we were kids. my father never laid a hand on me. it's like the prick saved it all up for tommy. are you okay? it's just. you've been acting kinda strange, you know? i don't know. you seem. different. you make weird jokes. your accents changed. you don't even walk the same. i can't put my finger on it, but everything's a bit off. even the dinner tonight. it was beautiful, but. wait. something's not right. isn't that your jacket? tommy. shut up, tommy! evan, stop! you're gonna kill him! evan. stop it. it's not the time. you're acting crazy! oh, i thought you were my eight o'clock. make it fast, i'm expecting someone. if i knew you were coming i'd have cleaned the stains off the sheets. what do you want? well, time is money, evan. so you. well, i guess i can spare ten minutes for an old friend, right? so how's tricks? sorry, occupational humor. oh, i'm sorry. does my line of work make you uncomfortable, precious? ha! where's that? what's happened to you? i've seen some sickening shit. i don't blink twice anymore, especially in your case. because you're. different. let me ask you a question. just a little one that's been gnawing at me for years. on the bridge. how did you know that tommy had your dog? that was no fucking hunch. you're right, evan, i don't believe you. i'm the only person you've told? that's a great line. does that make other girls swoon? do they actually eat up this bullshit? oh? there's proof now? anyone with fifty bucks could tell you that. know what? there's one major hole in your story. there is no fuckin' way on this planet or any other that i was in some fuckin' sorority. sure you don't want your wallet? off to change everyone's life again, is that it? maybe this time you'll pop up in some mansion while i wind up in tijuana doing the donkey act. well, don't give up now, slick. you've already done so much for me. hell, why don't you go back in time and save mrs. halpern and her baby. then maybe lenny wouldn't freak out and ruin my family. oh, here's one! go back when i'm seven and fuck me in front of daddy's handicam, you know, straighten me out a bit. we have to get you to sunnyvale. you're having one of your famous hemorrhages. what are you geeks looking at? must be nice to be so goddamned perfect, huh? fucking losers. let's go for a stroll. you know how spiritual he's gotten ever since he saved mrs. halpern and katie. is something the matter? sure, evan, why not? you were the first person i really ever cared about. that's why when i was little i never went to live with my mother. when my folks split, they gave me and tommy a choice who we wanted to live with. i couldn't stand my dad, but i knew if i moved to my mom's i'd never see you again. it's crossed my mind from time to time. well a lot of things cross my mind. i've always been a fast thinker, ev. i can play out the movie of our entire lives in under a second. boom -- we fall in love -- get married -- two kids, your keen analytical insight matched to my generous nature -- kids grow old as do we, relatively stable relationships, matching burial plots, the whole bit. it took a lot longer to spit out than to imagine. why not? but that's not how things wound up. i'm with lenny, lenny's your friend. and there it ends. when my folks split, they gave me and tommy a choice who we wanted to live with. i couldn't stand my dad, but i knew if i lived with my mom, i'd never see you again.