cricket, meet my well-mannered roommate, evan. here, bro. found your t-shirt. i thought you were a december baby. let's do this. worms, plural. talk to him about it, he's got the fetish. like ozzy. that's probably why hannibal lecter's so smart. you really think he wanted to kill you? christ, man. you wanna clean that up before i lose my appetite here? what the fuck are you doing? are you stupid or what? shucks, i dunno. but maybe there's a reason why you've repressed the one day when some old lecher had you in your tighty whities, dammit! yeah, man. i'd think twice about this. you could wake up a lot more fucked up than you are now. some dude left a message for you. whoa, bad news, bro. i don't think this is gonna come out. whasamatter? lost your rolex? fuck off, frat boy. someone call 9-1-1! sorry, dude. just figured it'd be okay with you bein' sick and all.