hi, this is robin. leave a message. if you are trying to reach steven he can now be reached at 555-3837. steven, what are you doing here? they liked it. i thought we agreed we weren't going to see each other for a month. that's wonderful, congratulations. i don't think we should. don't put me in this position. i love you, but i need to take some time on my own to see how i feel. you agreed to this. i mean… this is exactly why we broke up, because you never listen to me. i can't get into this now. if you haven't noticed, i'm at work. steven. congratulations. i know how much this means to you. you deserve it. oh. sometimes time apart is healthy. so, are you doing anything tomorrow? really? okay, maybe i will. you made some interesting choices laying out the room. no, i like it. so how's work? how's hal? it's just great that you're getting to do it. it's a real step up. it's nice to see you doing so well. it's alright. we can watch it another night. who was that? yes. you left me five messages. it king of freaked me out. i can't. i'm going to dinner with someone. not really a date. they are. i made it before we got together the other night. i knew you would freak out. yes, you are freaking out. i'm not doing anything wrong. i'm allowed to date. it's not like we're back together. we had a good time the other night, and you're already pressuring me. i will. blockski? that sounds right. well, not really. we're kind of in a holding pattern. he wants more of a commitment, but i don't think i'm ready. i just want to have a good time for a while. skidoo? it's been crazy. they just hired a – who is it? there's no problem with my cable. i didn't order this. was it a man named steven? come on. so, are you a friend of steven's? that's right. you fixed his cable the other night. so you guys are going out a lot? did he say that? well, it's a little complicated. i'm so sorry. i promise. i love you. yes. that was so sweet of you. you didn't have to do that. giving me free cable. only you would do that. yes, your friend came by. the cable guy. i liked him. he was kind of goofy, but nice. thank you so much for doing that. well, i don't think we should make rules anymore. call me later if you're around? are you alright? chip douglas? oh, hi. what's up? what is it? no, things are actually going really well. should i be worried? i will. good-bye. steven bartowsky please. hello. me too. believe me. well, you were right. something's happening with him and he won't even acknowledge it. you know his lawyer said that nobody named ernie douglas works for the cable company. and he's saying he received all the stereo equipment from you. i just feel like i triggered this with him. it's not that i don't want to get married, it's just i felt like he wanted to get married just to get married. i don't deal well with pressure. god i could go for turkey and mashed potatoes now. exactly. are you sure you're okay? you're not fine. when you say you're fine, i know you're not fine. i wanted you to know i invited your friend. he was concerned about you. not rick. i invited him. at lunch the other day. hello. you look great. vagina? erection? come on steven. we're just having fun. you're not a nuisance. please don't go. steven, you're being an asshole. i can't believe you. i just think you were completely out of line. i don't know what's happening to you these days. sounds familiar. but you took the credit for it? blackmailing you? how? of what? what?! when did you have a party? and you were with a prostitute. so that makes it better? he didn't have sex with a whore. you did. i don't want to hear it. breaking up was the best thing we ever did. you have some serious problems, and it's not my responsibility to help you. i am only responsible for my own happiness. it was jerry springer's "final thought." how's hal? it's just great that you're getting to do it. it's a real step up. this is really fascinating, but i really think we ought to go now. i'm worried about steven. steven. help me steven! steven! look out! steven! i'm sorry i didn't believe you. i love you. we'll work them out together.