roy. about what? i care. i care. i care a great deal if we catch whoever did this. as do a lot of folks around here. i'll talk facts but i won't speculate. the main fact here we need to be clear on is not one, but four people were killed. a lot of folks say herb clutter had to be the main target because he was dealt with the most brutally -- yes. we'd all like to know why. but it could've been any one of the family they were after. we just don't know -- wounds indicate a shotgun, close- range, but no casings were found. right. no. nancy in the back of the head. no. kenyon's radio seems to be the only. fifteen. nancy was sixteen. laura kinney. i assume you're okay with the laura part. k-i-n-n-e-y. but, please, leave her be. george, it's good to see you again. i do have an opinion whether this was the work of one man or a whole bunch, as you said, but it doesn't matter a whole lot whether it was mexicans or methodists or eskimos. we're going to find whoever did this. four good people from our community are dead. let's remember that. okay with you? the west kansas farm committee's offering a thousand dollar reward for information leading to an arrest. please print that. thank you all for coming. marie -- i want to know the same thing. i'm not worried. i know what room you're in at the hotel. and i know where you live in brooklyn. alvin. paul. now. damnit. come here. alvin jr. get over here. paul. back to the table. sit. not now, alvin. thanks. you're nothing if not hard-working. not a chance. that refers to the crime or the fact that you're still talking to the criminals? i see. that lawyer you helped find for your friends got them a hearing at the kansas supreme court -- -- on the issue of inadequate counsel. i'll tell you what: if those boys get off, i'm coming to brooklyn to hunt you down. i have to be in court at nine o'clock. call roy church. he'll show you what you want to see.