yessir. yes. perry, honey. you look terrific. calm yourself down, sweetheart. be patient, capote. maybe later they'll send you my skin. alright, partner. least now we're not the only killers in kansas. my hero. thanks for your help with the lawyer. you must be desperate for a story to come all the way out here. you want to see perry. go ahead. ask me, he's just trying to prove the insanity defense. hey, hey. capote, get it straight in your book -- we never intended on killing that family -- no premeditation -- be good now. hey, buddy. thanks. keep your head high, buddy. or they won't be able to rope you under your fat fucking chin. he returns. long time. you haven't been foremost on my mind lately. as you can imagine. you got that right. he'd be better off the way he was. what i've seen hasn't been so nice to look at -- but i guess it's better than nothing. they came around with a form. hey. you'll be walking down the street one day in denver, wherever -- and suddenly these eyes will be staring at you. wouldn't that be something?