i think i scared a friend of yours this morning. he came looking for you while i was writing. i wouldn't say hate. so long as they don't knock on my door. which? that's horrifying. no, you weren't. i can't think of a single quality i share with nelle. maybe manliness. it's why i left the midwest in the first place. i knew i could only find someone like you in new york city. you're celebrating. mockingbird. killing a mockingbird. you said it was good. well. jesus. that's terrific. tell her congratulations. just promise you'll be home by christmas. alright. right. i'll let you go. alright, truman. watch out. this is the start of a great love affair. so you find them a new lawyer. okay. just be careful what you do to get what you want. truman. you're finding yourself a lawyer. how long is that gonna take? why don't you try leaving him alone for a while? come to spain. you can always visit him later. well, i'm off. i've got my own writing to do. too many people around. i'll leave the address on the kitchen table. truman, what do you do there when you're not with him? -- it must be awful. think about what i said. join me when you can. i knew you couldn't be depended on to stock the kitchen. what would we feed our famous guest? plus -- i finished my novel yesterday. you said that. here, here! what's this? let's have it. i was wondering why you were in such a good mood. surely, i thought, it's not because i finished my little book. i don't know how you can eat that. perhaps if you weren't drinking so much you wouldn't have to. "dear friend truman. haven't heard from you in such a long while. please help find new lawyer. if not, dick will have to write supreme court brief himself. our last appeal. what a pair of wretched creatures. please help. your amigo? perry." your amigo. you tried? you need to get ready. at least pretend for nelle that you're having a good time tonight.