i figured you'd missed it. off. truman. off. i'm happy to see you too, but i can still whip your behind. what all did you bring? you're pathetic. you're pathetic. you paid them to say that. you paid them to say that! "just when you think they've gotten as good as they can get." pathetic. truman, you're a menace. you can barely see over the wheel. this make you miss alabama? morning. can any of you tell me where i'd find laura kinney? is that her? with the tall boy? danny burke? thank you. truman. truman -- these folks live their lives in a particular way. you need to consider adapting yourself to that fact. -- i'm gonna find out where those two kids live. maybe you'll let me do that alone? let's go. danny? would you mind terribly if i walked with you for a bit? folks have been through a rough patch. including you. nancy was your best friend. how has danny been? what were the clutters? people in town seem to wonder if he was involved. what is this? "danny here tonight and we watched tv. so nice just having him sit with us. left at eleven. p.s. -- he's the only one i really love." and that was that. "shattered." 94 percent. i hate that you're better than me at this. don't you dare close your eyes on my bed. stand up and walk out that door. go to your room if you're gonna sleep. truman. truman. crap. what right do you have being tired? you were snoring blissfully -- -- while i lay there, hating you -- not much. what? marie dewey?. we've got somewhere to go for thanksgiving supper. hi. hi. twisted notion of tenderness. thank you. that'd be fine -- how long have you worked here? well, she's marvelous. lunch was wonderful. truman. you remember when we were kids? i had no idea what a homosexual was. but i knew whatever they were, you were one of 'em. trained myself. 94 percent recall. where to? hey. where'd perry get the art set? close enough. thanks. oh yes. truman in love with truman. do you? hold him in esteem? you tell him your mama did the same thing? huh. christ. i guess it stopped being funny. when was the last time you wrote back to him? a letter for your boyfriend i was asked to deliver. "dear friend truman. where are you? read this item in a medical dictionary: "death by hanging is caused by asphyxia, by fracture of the cervical vertebrae, by laceration of the trachea." not too comforting as we lost our appeal. missing you -- alone and desirous of your presence. your amigo, perry." did you? fall in love with him. truman? -- are you kidding me? be nice to jack. sometimes i think he's what i like about you best. the sixteenth. truman. honestly. are you going back to kansas because you care about perry or because you need information before he's killed? no. i don't think it can be. well. what a gentleman. i thought i'd find you here. how are you? i'm sorry to hear that. uh-huh. it must be hard. i see. and how'd you like the movie, truman. mr. shawn? it's nelle. i just got this telegram, has he seen it? would you put him on please? mr. shawn, if you have to hold him down and put the phone on his ear, i need to speak to him. truman. hello. they're dead, truman. you're alive. maybe not. but the fact is, you didn't want to.