among other indignities. she's scared of me. are you? you have any aspirin? my legs -- i ask that the waiver be effectuated. i could kill you if you got too close. he said we'd curry favor with the judge if we waived our rights. the lawyer. your picture's undignified. people recall first impressions. you want something. before she had us. before she started drinking. orphanage. me and linda. who raised you up? cherokee. no tolerance for it. no tolerance for him either. i'm sorry about your tie. they took it away from me because we're all on suicide watch. it's why the lights stay on at night. okay. be careful of ricardo. i think he wants you all to himself. but he's naturally mendacious -- not to be trusted -- if he had a hundred dollars he'd steal a stick of chewing gum. i tracked my father down in alaska. i was 14. one day i said to him, "mom's dead." i could see it. a week later we got the news. she finally drunk herself to death. sometimes you see a thing -- how it really is. thank you. we're going to be able to use your book for our case. you'll write we never got to raise our insanity plea. you wrote how terrible the lawyer was? what have you been doing? all right. what are you calling it? dick says you know elizabeth taylor. you must hate having to come to this place -- i was ten, i wet the bed, the nuns at the orphanage hated the smell. first month one of them found me shivering -- just trying to get through the night. the sister pulled back the covers and shined her flashlight to see what i'd did. the sheets were wet. she hit me so many times with that flashlight she broke it. that night i dreamed about the yellow bird. tall. yellow like the sun. it picked me up and it clawed the nun's eyes and it lifted me into the sky. i didn't see you. jesus, you. come in. where's the guard? when? you can't. who are you going there to see -- i told him that. i told him! what was he in jail for? everyone says he's a genius. i don't think he's a genius. he's rich and he went to college -- like any of us would've if we got the chance. he came home for christmas and shot his parents -- you remember the story -- i won't be sorry to see him go. always correcting my grammar. now -- dick and me -- we're next in line. it was a long time. i wish you could come next week, when they take him out to the corner, but the whole prison shuts down. how's the book going? will you show it to me? two days ago. it's what we've been waiting for. a stay of execution to make a federal appeal. all thanks to you. kansas's had it in for me for ten years -- in prison the first time, at that trial, here. they can't corner me now. not till the u.s. government says so -- we've got all the time in the world to talk. about everything. i've been thinking about ricardo. you need to stop sending him those trashy books. i won't even mention the pornography. i realize he might have trouble grasping the literature you gave me, but those books only exacerbate the problem -- only 'heighten' or 'intensify' it. maybe we should start him on a program. give him the simple novels first -- okay. i thought in case. truman -- i've asked you not to -- don't go out there. please don't go out there. what's the name of your book? what's the name of your book? what's the name of your book? "truman capote read last night before a packed audience from his non-fiction book in cold blood." more? "the true-crime novel tells of killers richard hickock and perry smith, who brutally murdered a kansas family three years ago." that's not your goddamn business. they picked it. that's not your title. you pretend to be my friend. look at my belly. there must be something wrong with us. to do what we did. we heard there was ten thousand dollars in that house. once we'd tied up everybody and searched all over, i knew the guy who told us about it was wrong. there wasn't any money. but dick wouldn't believe it. he went tearing through the house again, banging on the walls, looking for a safe. he said when he was done, he was going to come up to nancy's room and have his way with her. i wouldn't allow it. i told him that. i sat with nancy. it was nice in there. dick came to get me and we turned out the lights and went down to the basement, where we had mr. clutter and the boy. dick kept saying "no witnesses." i figured if i just waited him out he'd give up and leave them tied up there. we'd drive all night, they'd never find us. mr. clutter's wrists were tied to a pipe over his head. he looked like he was hurt, so i cut him down. we put a box there on the floor so he'd be more comfortable. he asked if his wife and daughter were alright and i said they were fine, they were ready to go to sleep. i told him it wasn't long till morning when somebody would find them. he was looking at me. just. looking at me. looking at my eyes. like he expects me to kill him -- expects me to be the kind of person who would kill him. i was thinking -- this nice man, he's scared of me. i was ashamed. i mean, i thought he was a kind man, a good. a gentleman. i thought so right up to the moment i cut his throat. i didn't realize what i'd did till i heard the sound. like some one drowning under water. i was staring at him, bleeding on the floor. i told dick to finish him off, but he wouldn't do it. we couldn't leave mr. clutter like that, so i got the shotgun. we went to mrs. clutter's room. then we drove off. what do you think of me now? between forty and fifty dollars. hello. hello? i can't -- this doesn't seem -- operator, i don't think you put me -- truman. they let me make a couple phone calls before i go down to holding. you heard the supreme court rejected the appeal. yeah. yeah. they let me make two phone calls. we've got a date set for the warehouse, dick and me. two weeks and. finito. april 14. will you visit me? truman. will you come visit? please visit me, truman. just. truman capote. thank you. you sent the telegram to his hotel? may i make a phone call? it's not true, is it? "miss nelle harper lee and truman capote: sorry that truman was unable to make it here at the prison for a brief word prior to necktie party. whatever his reason for not showing up, i want him to know that i cannot condemn him for it and understand. not much time left but want you both to know that i've been sincerely grateful for your friendship through the years and everything else. i'm not very good at these things. i have become extremely affectionate toward you both. but, harness time. adios amigos. your friend, perry." you got the letter? it's true. i mean i understand why you didn't want to come. i wouldn't be here either if i didn't have to. you know ricardo donated his eyes to science? next week, some blind man will be seeing what dick used to see. you'll be watching? i'd like to have a friend there. it's alright. okay. i know. you're not rid of me yet. i'll see you in a few minutes. nice to see you. is there anybody from the family here? well. tell them. i can't remember what i was going to say for the life of me. did we not know we were to die, we would be children. by knowing it, we are given the opportunity to mature in spirit. some take that opportunity. i hope i have. life is only the father of wisdom. death is the mother.