camera tilts down a model of the tangiers hotel and casino, then reveals the cover of business week magazine with a drawing of philip green, a young corporate type, smiling out under the headline: 'philip green, vegas wunderkind'. we return to the press conference. photographers snap away. in the background are six-foot blow-ups of the business week cover. the camera moves past green, capp and several other men, past sherbert, to ace. through a windows of a motel room across the street from the gold rush, an fbi agent watches nicky and marino exit the jewelry store, get into a parked car and rive away. ace, with kleenex sticking out of his collar to protect his shirt from his television make-up, walks back to the dressing room with trudy. she pecks his cheek before exiting to her own room. a security guard opens the door for ace. two fbi agents with binoculars are watching nicky and marino, trying to read their lips.)