yes! i told you i was hot tonight. oh, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you, sir, i appreciate that. everybody, thanks. gives some chips as tips to the dealer and box man. thanks. take care, steve. take chances and drive fast. come on. what do you mean, 'what's the matter?' i made a lot of money for you. i want my cut. what money? look at this stack of chips. don't give me that shit. i want my end. don't give me that shit. i want my money. what do you mean 'stole'? i didn't steal anything from you. get lost? get lost? well, how 'bout that? i'm going to go powder my nose. i'll be right back. okay, thank you for asking. hello. great. and i have something for you. you got me covered? and you do. thank you very much. i got some lucky pills for you, honey. i hit a few. uh, games on the way back. how you doin' tonight? oh, beat. take one for you. thanks you have a good night. hey, mitch. thank you. thanks a lot. i need that stuff tonight. you're a doll. all right. yeah. i'm here. i'm always here for you. i am. good luck. careful. hi, jennifer. hi, how are you? what, are you trying to handicap me? you got the wrong girl, sam. you don't know me. what, you've known me, two, three months. what do you know? you know a lot of happily married people, sam? 'cause i don't. i care about you, a - but i just don't have those kind of feelings for you. i'm sorry. i'm not in love with you. understand? i'm sorry. if it doesn't work out. you know, if it doesn't play out, then what happens to me? what're you. what're you pitching me, here? i love you. no, lester. yeah. this is the best thing i can do for my life right now. promise? you do? okay, then. uh, talk to you later. bye. yeah. i'm not crying. i'm okay. i just - you just have to understand. i've been with lester since i was a kid. i just wanted to say goodbye. i - i just. i don't. i think i have a right to do that. okay? yeah. yeah. uh-huh. yeah. yeah. okay. oh. it's great. oh, it's great. oh! it's all my stuff. oh, my god. you brought all my stuff. i can - you're kidding? my god. what is it? oh, it's so soft. oh. no one's ever been so nice to me. oh, my god. so, do you think it's too much if i wear these in the same day? you're so wonderful. the jewelry's not so bad, either. come on. can i keep this one in the house? okay. need a little help with that, mr collins? thank you. he worked so hard. hi. nice to see you. thanks. thanks. yes, all right. hi. oh. hey, do you want to see this one? daddy gave me all this jewelry because he loves me so much. put your arm in there. oh, fabulous. look at this. look at this. daddy gave me this pin when we were dating. i told him i was mrs sam rothstein. (giving amy to the well, i would, you know, sam. it's just that. well, i need more than that. i need twenty-five thousand. yeah. well, what's the difference? i just need it. i'm aware of that. we don't have to turn this into a big deal. okay? we don't have to have a fight. it was important to me. but forget it. just something i wanted to do for myself. no. look - sam, i've been independent my whole life. i never had to ask anybody for anything. now you're making me beg you for this. okay? and you're embarrassing me. why do want to make me feel so bad? you can trust me. it means i got the money. no, he didn't. no! no! no! don't! make them stop it! no! no! no! it's not his fault! it's my fault! no! no! he's such a prick. he had some guy from the hotel beat him up. he didn't want to do it himself. oh, no, he didn't want to get his own hands dirty. so, why'd he have to do that, huh? tell me. yeah, no shit. no! no! i told him all about the guy before we ever got married. this is no fuckin' surprise. yeah. he's just a friend of mine i was trying to help, so. so what? oh, come on. i went into this with my eyes open, you know. i knew the bottom could drop out at any time. i'm a working girl, right? you don't think i'm gonna go into a situation like this if i don't think i'm gonna get covered on the back end. am i right? so, he put aside some jewelry for me. a lot of jewelry. mm, you want to steal it? i'm told it's worth about a million dollars, maybe more. i should have never married him. he's a gemini. a triple gemini. duality. gemini's the snake. you know you can't trust the snake. i mean it. i do. he could have killed him! okay? he could have killed him. he didn't have to hit him. it's not exactly like i'm sleepin' with the guy! and he makes me sneak around to see my own friends! what the fuck is that all about? he gives a fuck what i do? okay. yeah. thanks. thanks for puttin' up with me. oh, come on. you're so nice. thanks. thank you. huh? i didn't take your pills. you didn't have to beat him up! i was just tryin' to help him. it's not like i'm sleeping with the guy! you can't make me stop caring. i said, you can't make me stop caring about people. you know what, ace? i don't give a shit! i'm gettin' out of here. i am. okay. okay, okay. i don't need one. that's all you care about. you don't care about me at all. no, you don't. oh, god. oh, god. okay. okay. i'll try. i'll try. i'll try. i will. don't be mad at me, okay. i will. one o'clock? you know, i've got to do some shopping afterwards. do you want to go? yeah, and i get a sprained fuckin' elbow. but i saw something. something very. cute. i just want what any divorced woman would get. we had a deal. remember that? he said if it didn't work out between us, that i could get my things and i could leave. you shouldn't do this. we'll go later. lester - he called you here. here. he called you right here. so, he knows where you are. that means he's sending some guys over here probably right now. that's - yeah, he's sitting by the phone like a dumb-bell, just waiting for you to call him back. that's what he's - what do you think we're gonna do? he's probably got guys outside the fuckin' house! get your bag! come on, get your bag! get your things! let's go! oh, what bullshit? what, do you want to fuckin' talk it over now? go! go! get in the car! go! no, i really do. i think he's gonna kill me. yeah, uh-huh. okay. so, i'm gonna call you back in an hour. at this number, and you're gonna be there, right? bye. just knock it off! would you two knock it off? get in the car. no, i'm gonna drive. you're driving me nuts! well, that's why i'm here. she wants to come back, but she's afraid you're gonna whack her out. hi, it's me. just who you wanted to talk to, right? do you. i mean. i don't think she should go by herself. what i mean is, you think if, uh, do you think if i came back. do you think you could forgive me? right. i under-understand that. i-i know i fucked up. i gotta tell ya. i-i. made some mistakes and i spent some money. pretty serious. it's, uh, it's under twenty-five. yeah. yeah, yeah, i got the rest. okay? hi, sam. with what? he needed some clothes. he wanted a watch, too. mm-hm. gino. i bought him a watch too. yeah. yeah. would you knock it off, sam? there's nothin' to figure out. i'm home. we're workin' it out. i cannot do it anymore. i can't fuckin' live like this. it's not right. what are you? yes, of course - he doesn't come home at night. what is the big fuckin' deal? i go - yes, and i just - i can't fuckin' take it. why should i fucking take it? that wasn't the deal. he acts like. like i'm the only one around here with a fuckin' past. he'll never let me live it down. well. well, i mean, i tried. what the fuck do you think i came back here for? no, i'm not! i want to have him killed. yes, i want him killed. i've fuckin' had it. so, are you with me on this? yes! i fuckin' hate you! i can't take it anymore! yes, i want to kill you! i hate your fuckin' guts! get off of me! stop it! let go of me! let go of me! i'll go, but i want my money right now! the arrangement is over! and i still get my money. i need some cash right now. you can't just put me in the street. love you?! how could i love you?! how can i love you?! you treat me like i'm your fucking dog! fuck you! i'm going to the bank and i'm getting my jewelry too! and don't send your guys down there to stop me! i mean it. stop! you aren't getting rid of me with one fuckin' suitcase! fine. i'm takin' amy. i am. i'm wakin' her up right now. i am not! she's my daughter too! goddamn you! you're not getting away with this! you're not gonna fuck me out of my end! fucker! oh, you're right, i know. it's. well, i was just - nothin'. i don't - yeah? well, i was thinkin', maybe. you know somebody at the bank. could help me get my jewelry out? there's a lot of money in there. lot of money in there, and i'd be willing to take care of anybody who helped me out. okay. mm-hm. yeah. 'cause, you know, he's never gonna give me my jewelry. he holds that key so tight, he's probably got it stuck up his ass. he's so fuckin' lucky. i could have buried him. i could have gone to europe and taken the baby. and then he'd've tracked me down and he'd've killed me. i didn't. i didn't. i mean, i did, but then i did exactly what you told me to do, and i came right back. exactly. i did what you told me to. 'cause you always tell me the right thing to do. sure did. no, he's not. exactly. he hates me. he hates my fuckin' guts. i'm not as tough as you think i am. i'm not and he scares the shit out of me. i never know what he's gonna do. i need some help. i do. i need some help. you gotta help me. i need a new sponsor, nicky. i do. i need a new sponsor. yeah. yeah. nicky, please. thank you. yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. uh-huh - hi. i threw it away. look, i tried to do this thing. i know that you want me to, but it's just - you know, i'm driving down the freeway and the fuckin' thing's 'beep-beep-beep-beep'. you know, i'm in a restaurant and it's - it's embarrassing. i don't want to do it anymore. where's amy? oh. i got your cigarettes. oscar wants you to call him. with jennifer. to the riviera. i had a. salad. she had the same. why do you want to do that? fine. just gonna get the bowl for my thing. the line's busy. there's nobody there. all right. i didn't have lunch with jennifer. i was with somebody. i can back him off. i know. you don't have to tell me that. what do you think, i'm stupid? hi, sam. oh. it's just for a little while, sam. the baby-sitter wasn't there. she wasn't gonna get up. i was just gonna be out for a little while. i mean, she was asleep. i was going to be right back before she even woke up. oh, sh- fuck you. i w- i was gonna be back before she woke up. why don't you just let me go, sam? i'll sign anything you want me to sign, okay? i just want the key to my jewelry, and i want you to let me go. i want you to let me go. i wou- i wouldn't do that if i were you. i wouldn't do that. i wouldn't - i'm going. i'm going, you -! so what? so who fuckin' blew you in the parking lot before you came in. huh? oh, fuck you! fuck you, sam rothstein! fuck you! leave it where it is. where is he? goddamn it! i want that jew bastard killed! i have fuckin' had it! there's no reason to hide my car. he already knows! he threw it in my face! the second i get out of here, i - me? i said. nothin'. i said, i said, 'no, no, no.' everything he said, i just kept sayin' no. if it's so fuckin' dangerous, then why don't you kill him? oh, well, then, have him killed and get it over with. what about my money? ah, you fuck! you're such a fuckin' asshole! i don't need you! i have my own fuckin' money! i'm going' to the fbi! i'm not scared anymore! you fucked with me for the last time! you get down here! get down here and talk to me, goddamn it! don't fuckin' ignore me! you motherfucker! i mean it! you come down here right now! come down here and talk to me, goddamn it! fuck you! goddamn you, come out here! i'm gonna drive this fucking car through the living-room! you fucking coward! you motherfucker! you come out here and talk to me, you fucker! i am not! don't you threaten me! don't you threaten me! you are not threatening me anymore! you fuck! you fuck! i'm sick of you! i am fuckin' nicky santoro! i am! he's my new sponsor! what about that, you fuckhead?! what are you looking at? fuck off! go back inside! this is none of your business! i don't have to take your shit all the time anymore. i'll to the fbi! i will go to the police! i am not protecting you anymore, you fuck! he won't. let me inside! he won't let me in my own house! i'm just trying to get in my house! he won't let me go in my house! not gonna let me in? what do you mean, what am i gonna do? i'm in the same clothes for two days! i want to get a few of my things! big deal! oh, you are. let me in the house! fucker! fucker! you ought to be afraid, the way you fuckin' treat me! i am calm! can i go in? can i go in? yes, fine! fine! fuck you! you wouldn't believe how mean he's been to me. he's locked up. most of my important stuff, all my papers and things. and i have to get 'em. so don't let him come in here 'cause i know they're in here in the desk and he's - fuck! just pay attention. he could come up here at any time. are you watching for him? got 'em. i just have to get this one more thing and then we'll be - we can go. shit! god, fuck! shit! god! really pisses me off. don't worry about it. and it would be great if you guys could follow me out of here, because he's been threatening me. i can't believe this. i just need to pick up a little cash inside. could you come with me? whoa. shit! oh, goddamn it! um, i'm gonna need a bag. if you could just ask the guy for a big bag, okay? and here. here. no, you can, you can. you've been so nice to me. yeah, just hold the top open, all right, and i can - oh, god. it's him. you have to stop him. you have to - 'cause he said he was going to kill me. you just - just stop him. for what? what? but i'm just trying to leave. but it was just mine. but i didn't do anything. oh! oh, no! no.