look, gin, you know i got other people in this. i got partners. but i want you to understand that i am lookin' out for you in this thing. okay? you're going to get yours back. and you're gonna get it back first. okay? okay? where are you goin'? where are you? you're in that place. where are you? no, you're not. where are you? where are you? you are. yeah. can you feel my eyes on you? can you feel me look into your heart? can you feel me in the pit of your stomach? can you feel me in you? in your heart? don't make me come there. answer me. bub-ut, baby, do you know that i love you too? do you know that? that's right. so, it's gonna be okay, isn't it? god. i wish you. all the luck in the world. yeah, i do. i mean, it's - it's the - it's the best thing you can do right now. i mean this. and you'll have real security. sweetheart. you're gonna be situated just right in vegas. come on, this is great for us. you know i'm gonna be here for you. i ain't going no place. huh? i'm lookin' at you right now. i'm seein' you for the very first time, right this minute. i'm seein' you, and i can feel my heart click. i see you fourteen years old. i see you the first second i ever saw you. i see you, long-legged little colt - - with stupid braces on your teeth. every time i ever see you, that's what i see. what does that mean? no, i know that look. what does that mean? you got money. that's a - that's a good look. yeah, yeah. i know that. okay. hey, that's just fuckin' - that's bullshit. you know, you know, what the fuck? fuck! fuck you! couldn't do it yourself, you chickenshit cocksucker! hey. hey, little dale evans. hello. she's not here, sam. uh, i'm not. sam, i wouldn't. wouldn't do it. yeah, no, i, i. sam, i - i don't know where she is, okay? so, l-l-l-listen, i te- i te- i tell you - can i call you back in a few minutes? mm-hm. 1862. okay, good. i'll call you right b- i'll call you right back. you got it. schmuck. all right. i just bought us a few minutes. want to get back at this prick? hm? okay, you got, what, two million dollars in that box? hey. you got a minute? hey. he's got two million in the box, am i right? okay, you let him keep your jewels. we take the cash and the only other thing he cares about. huh? her majesty. we go to europe. you dye your hair, get some pl- we're not gonna go see any fuckin' elephants, okay? we're going to europe. let the adults talk. you dye your hair. you get plastic surgery, like we talked about. right? you're the mother. how much do you think he's gonna pay to get this fuckin' kid back? shut your mouth! you know where she gets this from! no, you - you want me to come over there? i'll smack your face. don't give me any of your shit! okay, this has always been a dream, but we're going. right. he was just on the phone. i just talked to him. ginger. it means he's sitting by the phone like a dumb-bell, waiting for me to call him back. now, i - he's sittin' by the phone - it's this bullshit. it's just bullshit right here. this is the fuckin' problem, you know. you're done yakkin', okay? you're done yakkin' now? 'go! go! go!' she started it. she started the whole thing. i'm just standin' here. you're not gonna drive. don't even think you're gonna drive. no, i'm not gonna drive with some crazy - get in the passenger's side! and i'm sendin' this kid to bolivia in a fuckin' box.