matter of fact. nobody knew all the details, but it should'a been perfect. i mean, he had me, nicky santoro, his best friend, watching his ass. and he had ginger, the woman he loved, on his arm. but in the end. we fucked it all up. it should'a been so sweet, too. but it turned out to be the last time that street guys like us were ever given anything that fuckin' valuable again. got a lot of holes in the desert, and a lot of problems are buried in those holes. except you gotta do it right. i mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. otherwise you're talkin' about a half-hour or forty-five minutes of diggin'. and who knows who's gonna be comin' along in that time? before you know it, you gotta dig a few more holes. you could be there all fuckin' night. they had so much fuckin' money in there, you could build a house out of stacks of $100 bills. and the best part was that upstairs, the board of directors didn't know what the fuck was going on. i mean, to them everything looked on the up and up. right? wrong. the guys inside the counting room. were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry. they'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips. they'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes. and it was up to this guy right here , standin' in front of about two million dollars, to skim the cash off the top without anybody gettin' wise . the irs or anybody. now, notice how in the count room nobody ever seems to see anything. somehow, somebody's always lookin' the other way. now, look at these guys . they look busy, right? they're countin' money. who wants to bother them? i mean, god forbid they should make a mistake and forget to steal. meanwhile, you're in and you're out. past the jag-off guard who gets an extra c-note a week just to watch the door. i mean, it's routine. business as usual: in, out, hello, goodbye. and that's all there is to it. just another fat fuck walkin' out of the casino with a suitcase. now, that suitcase was goin' straight to one place: right to kansas city . which was as close to las vegas as the midwest bosses could go without gettin' themselves arrested. that suitcase was all the bosses ever wanted . and they wanted it every month. now this old mormon fuck here. he had to fly in with suitcases once a month, nice and easy. the bosses would come from all over the place: detroit, cleveland, milwaukee. all over the midwest. and they would meet in the back of this produce market in kansas city. i mean, nobody even knew. one of the guys made his mother do all the cooking. now, these old greaseballs might not look it, but believe me, these are the guys who secretly controlled las vegas. because they controlled the teamsters' union, and that's where you had to go if you wanted to borrow money to buy a casino. and nobody got a teamsters' loan, unless the guys in this room knew they were gonna get their little suitcases. guys like this antique here , out of detroit. or especially guys like remo gaggi, the outfit's top boss. definitely the most important guy in this room. now here was the perfect front man. i mean, what the fuck else could he be? he didn't know too much. he didn't want to know too much, especially that the bosses made the teamsters lend him the money. he wanted to believe the teamsters gave him all that fuckin' money 'cause he was smart. and where they got green from - who the fuck knows? all i know is that green was an arizona real estate hustler, who barely had enough gas money to come and pick up his own fuckin' check. now, all they needed was somebody they could trust to run the casino. and who better than ace? i mean, he was already in vegas a couple of years and he had the fuckin' place clocked. but typical ace. give him a shot at runnin' a casino and he tries to talk you out of it. and that's how that got ace to take over. they wanted him because ace ate, slept and breathed gambling. they worked out a real cute job title too. tangiers public relations director. but the only thing he ever directed was the casino. he made his first bet when he was fifteen years old, and he always made money. but he didn't bet like you or me. you know, havin' some fun with it, shit like that. he bet like a fuckin' brain surgeon. he had to know everything, this guy. he'd find out the kind of inside stuff nobody else knew, and that's what he'd put his money on. even back home, years ago, when we were first hangin' out together. he'd know if the quarterback was on coke. if his girlfriend was knocked up. he'd get the wind velocity so he could judge the field goals. he even figured out the different bounce you got off the different kinds of wood they used on college basketball courts, you know? he'd be workin' on this shit day and night. there was nothin' about a game he was gonna bet that he didn't know. season after season, the prick was the only guaranteed winner i ever knew. but he was so serious about it all that i don't think he ever enjoyed himself. but. that's just the way he was. but back then the bosses didn't give a fuck about whether he enjoyed himself of not. to them, he was a cash register. all they had to do was ring the bell and take the money. especially remo, who was a fuckin' degenerate gambler who always lost. i mean, unless ace made his bet. ace made more money for them on a weekend than i could do heisting joints for a month. whatever ace picked up on the street he told remo. hey, did you bring that thing? you know, i mean fixed fights, doped horses, crooked fuckin' zebras. locked-in point spreads. he told fuckin' remo everything. and to tell you the truth. i don't blame him. keepin' remo happy with money was the greatest insurance policy in the world. i'll be right out. mm. mm. all right. yeah. want me to take this for you? so, now, on top of everything else, i gotta make sure that nobody fucks around with the golden jew. they payin'? then where the fuck is the money? i don't see the money. it was eight. ace. tell him the line on the bear's game. if he don't know, nobody knows. told you it was eight. 'cause you're a jag-off. i would have fuckin' made you lay ten. what's that? you hear? you hear a little girl, frankie? you hear a little girl, ace? is that a little fuckin' girl?! what happened to the fuckin' tough guy? told my friend stick it up his fuckin' ass?! huh?! huh?! listen. with me protecting ace, he made a fortune for the bosses. i mean that's what got him to vegas. he was a money machine. a tremendous earner for these guys. as soon as he took over, he doubled the fuckin' drop. with ace the casino never saw so much money. and the bosses, they couldn't be happier. you find any cash in there, we'll whack it up with you. don't look at me, pal. i gotta live with her. hold it, hold it. here. there's more! there's more! there's a couple stuck in there. i know there's more. come on, damn it. don't get so defensive. it could be stuck in your hair, you know. oh, there aren't? what's that? huh? what's that. there's no more. thanks, hon. i couldn't wait to get my hands on vegas. but the bosses didn't send me out there to have a good time. they sent me out there to make sure that nobody fucked with ace and. nobody interfered with the fuckin' skim. hey. hey, sammy, how are you? boy, look at this place, huh? all right. okay, sammy. yeah. holy shit, what've you been doin' out here? pleasure. very nice to meet you. okay, sammy. what do you think about me movin' out here? what's the matter? you got a problem with that? you mean, i have your permission? i don't care. i want to get away from back home for a while. i'm tired of that shit back there. look at this place. it's made of money. you know what the best part is? nobody's gonna know what we're doin'! there's nobody here to see us! everybody's back home. don't worry about it. i'm not gonna do anything. what am i gonna do? i'm especially not gonna involve you in anything. ace saw vegas one way. you call this guy and tell him i'm comin'? but i saw it another. i saw it as untouched. i mean, they had bookies, pimps and drug dealers i could shake down. who the fuck were they gonna run to? so, i started getting everybody in line. best of all, for the first time in my life, i figured out a way not to lose. tony. how you doin'? all right, yeah. you got that thing for me? i was layin'? no, no, i'm taking it. i was takin' it. i'm positive. you're a little confused? maybe if i stick your fuckin' face through this window over here like, you know, you'll - you'll get unconfused. give me the fuckin' money! yeah, i know, that's why you had it ready. you thought i was fuckin' layin' it?! your fuckin' head, huh? don't fuck around, tony. you jag-off. ace got my son, little nicky, involved with little league, and it was great. turned out to be one of the other coaches was a fuckin'. metro intelligence cop. but it didn't matter. i mean, it was all about the kids, you know. yeah, well, that's exactly what i keep tellin' him, but that's the kind of kid he is ever since he's born. he tries to do everything. ohh! me? that's why the bosses sent me out here. they wanted me to make sure none of the other crews robbed the joint. like these two fuckin' balloon-heads over here . they were gonna try and bang us out of two hundred fuckin' grand? yeah, right, i'm sure. hey, eddy. i'm over here now. yeah, i'm over here with him. carmine? he was here before. i saw him. he had a suitcase and everything, and then he left. uh-huh. i think, you know, maybe he went across the street or somewhere else or somethin'. i don't know. oh, thanks, eddy. hey, great, jerry. good luck to you too. what? yeah, they don't need those anymore. it was typical ace. he invited the biggest people in town and he knew they'd show. because he knew they all wanted somethin' from him. with ace, nobody ever got a free ride. even ginger. with her - - he still covered his bets. they had to have the baby first, before they got married. even made jennie and me watch amy for a few days when they went on their honeymoon. but i didn't mind, we loved the kid. to begin, i put money out on the streets, chargin' three points a week. you know - juice to the fuckin' dealers. all right, mike. they were degenerate gamblers, coke freaks. in no time, i had half the dealers in the tangiers in my pocket. then. the next thing i did, i started bustin' out high-stakes poker players. four aces, doc. what do you got? so, i'm lucky. i'm not allowed to get lucky in this place? ace was so fuckin' worried about his casino, he forgot what we were doin' out here in the first place. a million times i wanted to yell in his fuckin' ear: 'this is las vegas! we're supposed to be out here robbin', you dumb fuckin' heeb.' ace, what happened over there? i mean, did you know that guy you threw out was with me? no. what? what? ho- hey, come here. you called my friend a faggot? you tell him to go fuck himself? is that what you did? tell him to go fuck himself? you fuckin' hick! fuckin'. you big fuckin' hick, you. come here. come here. get him up. come here. come here, come here. you go over there right now and you apologize. you better hope he lets you back in. if you ever get out of line over there again, i'll smash your fuckin' head so hard. you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. you hear me? fuckin' hick. sammy, listen. this guy obviously doesn't know who he was talkin' to, you understand? he doesn't. know that, uh, we're dear friends. i mean, he's already very sorry. but, uh, if you could do me a favor to let him back in, i swear to you he'll never get out of line again. i promise you that. i'm sorry about this. really. all right, ace? thanks, pal. you took your boots off? you put your feet on the table. you shit- kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smellin' motherfucker you! you fuck me up over there, i'll stick you in a hole in the fuckin' desert! you understand? go over there and apologize. go! get the fuck out of - you know, ace could be a very touchy guy, especially when he got bigger and bigger in town. like when he hired that jonathon and david and their tigers away from the palace by buildin' them a new stage and then givin' them a silver rolls royce. but i'll tell you, he knew how to bring in the crowds. he knew all the fuckin' angles. he brought over the whole 'femme fatale' show from paris. but he forgot how lazy them european dancin' broads can get. i mean, he had to weigh 'em in once a week to make sure they didn't blow up like fuckin' balloons. hey, i gotta give the guy credit. he does the most obvious thing. this is the only town in the country where a bookie joint is legit, so, why not take advantage, right? so. he took bookie joints off the street and then opened them up inside the casino. well, within a few years, by doin' all of this, he had every casino on the strip trying to copy off him. why, somebody's complaining? that black book is a bunch of bullshit. they got two names in there for the whole country and one of them is still al capone. what am i doin' out here? i'm tryin' to make a livin', that's all. all right. what the fuck is that supposed to mean? ' . detrimental to gaming. and he will be ejected from any casino in las vegas. and the casinos can be fined as much as a hundred thousand every time he shows up.' do you believe this shit? 'who is of notorious and unsavory reputation' motherfucker. unsavory fuckin'. is there any way around this? let's say. for instance. i want to go in the restaurant which happens to be in the casino. to get one of those sandwiches i like? in other words, i'm fucked. i gotta do somethin'. i gotta do somethin'. they ain't gettin' rid of me. they're not gettin' rid of me. i'm staying here. fuck 'em. fuck 'em. so, once they pulled that shit, i started doin' my own things in vegas nobody ever thought of doin'. to keep an eye on things, i brought in my kid brother dominick. and some desperadoes from back home and started knockin' over high rollers, casino bosses, bookmakers, anybody, right here in town. i had a good fuckin' crew goin' for me, i'll tell you that. i had sal fusco, a great second-story guy. jack hardy, he worked for a safe company after he did a six-year bit. and then there was bernie blue. this guy could bypass any alarm for me. and i opened up my own jewelry store, too: 'the gold rush'. sometimes i used to go along on a heist just for the fun of it. but i didn't like the people i was rippin' off lookin' at me, so i used to turn their fuckin' pictures around. what's takin' so long over there? gotta learn how to open these fuckin' things so you won't have to take 'em. frankie, some of these stones got a lot of niggers in 'em. tell that fuckin' pepe if he's switching stones on us, he'd better take a fuckin' camel - - back to nigeria. yeah. they check in alone? are they out now? all right. thanks. but what the fuck they expect from me? i had to earn, didn't i? whenever we got local merch, we'd usually send it to palm spring or arizona. la. i had a couple of sand niggers out there. you know, arabs. i actually turned my bedroom into a bank vault where i kept the choice stuff. every night, on the couch. i couldn't leave it at the gold rush in case we got raided by the cops. or if my crew got cute. i had the only key. jennifer didn't give a fuck. she used to fall asleep on the couch watchin' television every night. this stuff was all mine. i didn't send any of this back home. actually, i couldn't because i wasn't even supposed to be doin' it. the bosses were makin' so much fuckin' money with the casinos that they didn't want anybody makin' any waves for them. give all the guys in your crew a piece of that? yeah? that's why there was no real organized street stuff in vegas before i came here. but how much cash could i bury in my closet, right? oh, listen, i understand that there's always a risk. you know, i might have to take a loss somewhere. so i put some of the money into legitimate deals with charlie clark. he was ace's banker. i mean, you will try to push it through, won't you, mr clark? well, you gotta understand, i'm giving you fifty thousand cash. then i put some more of the money. in some legitimate places, like my restaurant. i had my kid brother, dominick, run it for me. hey, rich. listen, that show over at the flamingo gets better and better. made a messenger out of you too, huh? he does it. he does it to everybody. enjoy your dinner. you walk past me? hey, shelly. how are you? nice to meet you. stacy. pleasure. all right, uh, let's just check the kitchen first. excuse us one second. come on, i'll show you. 'cause i fly stuff in fresh every day. i get bread from back home. i get fish from california. and you can always tell a great kitchen like ours because of the milk-fed veal. that's the secret. see, milk-fed veal is pure white. out here, they got that pink veal. slide over, honey. now, pink veal, you can pound that shit for two days and it'll never get tender, you know what i mean? mm. mm. yeah? you call yourself a man? you know you're a lyin', low-life, motherfuckin' gambling degenerate prick? you know that's what you are? two small kids at home. i gave you money to pay the fuckin' rent and buy groceries, put the heat on. you know your wife called frankie and told him the fuckin' heat's off? huh? and you didn't gamble that fuckin' money? you're gonna stand here and tell me that? no, no? you didn't? don't fuck with me, al! don't make a fuck out of me! you want to embarrass me and make a fool out of me?! you didn't gamble?! tell me you gambled the fuckin' money, i'll give you the fuckin' money to put the fuckin' heat on! did you gamble?! huh?! fuckin' degenerate, you. fuckin' kids at home! here. get the fuck out of here. yeah, thanks. let me find out you fucked up, i'll leave you wherever i find you. how many of these you gonna eat, huh? two? here, let's put a little of this on for you. i know you like this. a little butter, right, not a lot? you know why, right? why? what a smart kid you are! okay, eat. every couple of weeks i used to send marino back to the bosses with a piece of what i made. not a big piece, but fuck them, what did they know? they were fifteen hundred miles away. and i don't know anybody who can see that far. their drop was a truck stop. garage where. remo and the guys used to hang out and count their millions. i mean, the cops knew, but they didn't give a fuck. i mean, you know, they all worked it out together. but i knew how to keep the bosses happy. whenever they gave me little jobs to do, you know, to send a message, i would carry things out. to a tee. like the time tony dogs. who was supposed to be the new maniac tough guy in town, shot up one of remo's bars. here's a fuckin' guy, kills two of remo's guys and a poor fuckin' waitress, who was just workin' on her night off, of all things. i mean, this guy's just beggin' to be made an example of. to be truthful with you, i had to admire this fuckin' guy. he was one of the toughest irishmen i ever met. this fuckin' guy, he got some stamina, don't he? this son-of-a-bitch was tough. personally, i don't give a fuck who was with him anyway. as long as he gives me a name i could give to them. for two days and two fuckin' nights, we beat the shit out of this guy. i mean, we even stuck ice-picks in his balls. you better hope he gives me a fuckin' name soon, or i'm gonna give him yours, frank. but he never talked. i know you would have ratted by now. in the end, i had to put his fuckin' head in a vise. dogs. dogs, can your hear me, dogs? listen to me, anthony. i got your head in a fuckin' vise. i'm gonna squash your fuckin' head like a grapefruit if you don't give me a name. don't make me have to do this, please. come on. don't make me be a bad guy. come on. this motherfucker, do you believe this? two fuckin' days and nights! fuck me? fuck me, you motherfucker? fuck my mother? that's what you fuckin' tell me? huh? you motherfucker, you, huh? oh, god! give me the fuckin' name! charlie m? charlie m? you make me pop your fuckin' eye out of your head to protect that piece of shit? charlie m? you dumb motherfucker! kill you, you motherfucker you! frankie, do him a fuckin' favor. charlie m! yeah, she's leavin' the bank now. all right, i'm gonna follow her. i know it wasn't a nice thing to do but - well, you gotta understand it. he doesn't know if this guy is shaking you down or taking advantage of you. oh, you did? i didn't know that. you know. the first time i ever saw your guys together. i never saw him so happy. i mean, i know he's a crazy jew fuck and everything, but. i never see - you know, i never seen him act like that with anybody else. i think he's crazy about you. i mean, he really loves you. he does. sure. i can see that. sure. you mean, like a lot of expensive jewelry? about how much? no. i - i'm just curious, you know. i was wonderin' how much he would put into a thing like that. that's all. well, there you go. but what does that tell ya? a million dollars in jewelry. does that tell you the guy is crazy about you, or what? i know what you mean. listen, ginger. you know, this is probably not. i don't have the answers anyway. and this is probably not what you want to hear right now, because you're a little upset with ace. i understand that. but, you know, i think you should try to make the best of it now. go slow, you know. see what happens. well, i guess it's 'cause he loves you so much. he's jealous and worried. look, i'll try to find out what the hell's goin' on. when i see him i'll talk to him. all right? and take it easy with this shit, will you? i mean, this can only make matters worse. you're a beautiful girl. you don't want to ruin your looks. i've seen a lot of girls get shot to hell from this stuff. come on, now, i don't want to see you unhappy. yeah. it's all right. no matter what the problems were outside the count room, it was all worth it. the cash kept rollin' in. and the. suitcases kept comin' and goin'. and let me tell ya, the fuckin' bottom line here is. cash. the only problem was that, after a while, the bosses noticed that the suitcases were gettin' a little light. even john nance, that's the guy who ran the skim, he knew there wasn't much you could do about it. you gotta know that a guy who helps you steal, even if you take care of him real well, i mean, he's gonna steal a little bit extra for himself. makes sense, don't it? right? well, you go try and make these hard-headed old greaseballs understand that. but the bosses never believed in leeway, so listen to what they do: they. put artie piscano, the underboss of kc, in charge of making sure nobody skimmed the skim. the only trouble was, piscano was a disaster. this guy could fuck up a cup of coffee. and little did anybody know where this would all lead. if they did, they would have been better off makin' fuckin' novenas. she was doin' pretty good with her lawsuit, but before she could start countin' her money, the boys back home decided to settle the case out of court instead. so, they send me. listen. i gotta meet clean face right away. what about the chez paree? no, no it's okay. well, it's okay. i'll use the service entrance. i'll see you at nine. hey, ace. no, i don't want one. hey, mr clark, how you doin'? i've been trying to reach you. you're tougher to get than the president. yeah, least you could do is return my phone calls, though. yeah. i think i want my money back. you know. i think that you've gotten the wrong impression about me. i think in all fairness, i should explain to you what it is that i do. for instance, tomorrow morning i'll get up nice and early, take a walk down over to the bank and walk in and see you, and, uh. if you don't have my money for me, i'll crack your fuckin' head wide open in front of everybody in the the bank. and just about the time that i'm comin' out of jail, hopefully, you'll be comin' out of your coma. and guess what? i'll split your fuckin' head open again. because i'm fuckin' stupid. i don't give a fuck about jail. that's my business. that's what i do. and we know what you do, don't we, charlie? you fuck people out of money and get away with it. hey, you fat irish prick. you put my fuckin' money to sleep. you go get my money, or i'll put your fuckin' brain to sleep. never mind fuckin' sam. this is personal. i'll be there in the morning. you can fuckin' try me, fatso. you fuckin' try me. you think he got the point? fuck the fbi! that prick's been dodging me for three weeks. and what is it with you? all of a sudden, you're tryin' to tell me what to do all the time. where's my head? where's your fuckin' balls? huh? you know i'm tryin' to put somethin' really big together out here. you know what i'm talkin' about, huh? you know! if you're actin' like this now, how can i depend on you? there's a lot of things gonna change out here. and if you wanna be there with me, sammy, you're gonna have to go my fuckin' way. yeah, forget about your fuckin' license. i plant my own flag out here, you ain't gonna need a fuckin' license. you know, i don't know what it is, sammy, but the more i talk to you, the more i feel like you just don't wanna go along with me, is that it? you should say so. just say so. all right, fine. fine. you mean, quiet like this: 'i'm the boss.' that's quiet? yeah, that's out of context. okay. well, back home they don't know about fuckin' control. that looks bad. yeah? what the fuck happened to you? will you tell me? yeah. i lost control? look at you. you're fuckin' walkin' around like john barrymore. a fuckin' pink robe and a fuckin'. uh, uh, cigarette holder. i'm - i lost control?! you know, i didn't want to bring this up, but you have treating a lot of people with a lot of disrespect. even your own wife. yeah. well, she comes to see me. she was upset about a lot of things, especially that whole fuckin' diamond - that lester diamond incident. no, i didn't. what good would that do? that's not the fuckin' point. the point is that she's upset. she's - and you got a fuckin' problem. hey, she came to talk. to me. she came to talk to me. and i - what was i supposed to do, throw her out? it's none of my business? a week ago it was my business, now it's none of my business. in other words, when you need me to take care of somethin' for you, then you need me. your fuckin' head is getting' bigger than your casino. that's your problem, pal. fuckin' walking around with a big head. you better check yourself. the coppers blamed me for everything that went wrong out here, and i mean every little fuckin' thing too. watch yourself. you're gonna get runned over there. if a guy fuckin' tripped over a fuckin' banana peel, they'd bring me in for it. come on, huh. that's enough now. be nice, huh? be nice. and the bosses were no better. i mean, they complained day and night because things don't run smooth. well, in my line of work, things don't run so smooth, i'm sorry. i mean, i'm dealing with degenerate animals out here. but the bosses, what do they give a fuck? they're sittin' on their asses, drinkin' anisette. meanwhile, i'm the guy in the trenches. fuckin' bosses, they think it's a fuckin' free lunch out here. fuckin'. bosses. i mean, they're smokin' their di nobilis and they're eatin' a trippa and fuckin' suffritt', you know, fried pigs guts? while, if i wanna talk private, i gotta go to a fuckin' bus stop. but, hey, what do they care, as long as i keep sendin' money back. let 'em complain. i'm the one who's here. i do all the work. somebody don't like it, fuck him. they want a fuckin' war, i'm ready. i know one thing. all i gotta do is take care of four or five of those fuckin' guys, the rest will fall right into place. believe me. peekaboo, you fucks, you. i see you, you motherfuckers. if they're gonna watch me, fuck 'em, i'm gonna watch 'em right back. i spent a few dollars. top dollar, who gives a shit? i got the latest anti-buggin' equipment from the same places that sell to the fuckin' cia. i had all the special police frequency radios, fbi descramblers, cameras that see in the dark, and because of that, the miserable sons-of-bitches that they are, they never once caught me doin' anything i couldn't handle. practice enough this week, you prick? what the fuck is this? where's this fuckin' guy gonna land, on the fairway? they're fuckin' agents, frankie. look at this. a hundred dollars, whoever hits the plane. meet me at three. no, a. hundred yards further down the road. don't ask questions. just be there. always asking questions. where the fuck you get off talkin' to people about me behind my back? goin' over my head? what people! what'd you think, i wasn't gonna find out? no? you said i'm bringin' heat on you?! i gotta listen to people because of your fuckin' shit?! you're ordering me out?! you better get your own fuckin' army, pal! you want me to get out of my own fuckin' town?! oh, i don't know whether you know this or not, but you only have your fuckin' casino because i made that possible! i'm what counts out here! not your fuckin' country clubs or your fuckin' tv shows! and what the fuck are you doin' on tv anyhow?! you know i get calls from back home every fuckin' day?! they think you went batshit! your fuckin' ass! you could have had the food and beverage job without goin' on television! you wanted to go on tv. you're makin' a big fuckin' spectacle of yourself. oh, sure. now you want to blame your fuckin' license on me, is that it? back - back - back up, back up a fuckin' minute here. one minute. i asked you?! when the fuck did i ever ask you if i could come out here?! get this through your head, you - get this through your head, you jew motherfucker, you. you only exist out here because of me! that's the only reason! without me, you, personally, every fuckin' wiseguy skell around'll take a piece of your fuckin' jew ass! then where you gonna go?! you're fuckin' warned! don't ever go over my fuckin' head again! you motherfucker, you! do you see that? dumb jew motherfucker. grew up together and he's actin' like he don't even know me. i know we're supposed to avoid each other, but, you know, there's ways to do things and there's ways not to. why, does it look like it's bothering me? what do i give a fuck? fuckin' oscar too. all the fuckin' money i've given that prick, he don't even look over here. what's his problem? fuckin' jews stick together, don't they? so are we. ten thou? no, no, no. fifty! i said fifty! fuckin' fifty thousand! go get it. i don't give a fuck where you get it. fuckers! they take it, but they don't want to give it back. how the fuck can you grin? how the fuck could you grin? you know how much i'm stuck? you give a fuck? do ya?! (to departing female look at this fuckin' beaut they put in now. sherbert send you in here to rob me now? been fuckin' knockin' everybody's dick in all night? huh? you been beatin' all the customers tonight, motherfucker? huh, jag-off? hit me. take this stiff and pound it up your fuckin' ass! hit me again. take this one and stick it up your sister's ass! hit me again. that's it, keep lookin' at him, you fuckin' dummy. if you had any fuckin' heart at all, you'd be out fuckin' stealin' for a livin'. hit me again. what the fuck you keep lookin' at him for, huh, you fuckin' pu- look at this, twenty fuckin' paints in a row. hit me again! you should pay as fast as you collect, you know. hey, sammy, tell this jew motherfucker over here to pay that marker. just give me the money. fuckin' give me the fuckin' money, sammy. what are you starin' at, you bald- headed jew prick?! sue me, you jew fuck! what? get out of here? i got a marker comin'. deal. you just relax. nobody's killin' anybody, do you hear? you just relax, and call me back here in exactly an hour, on this phone, and i'll see what i can do. i'll be there. and listen, don't do anything else crazy, okay? you all right? okay. ginger - ginger called me. i just told you. she called me. she was afraid to call you. i know. why didn't you come to me? i mean, this is family, it ain't business. meanwhile, you make calls back home. sammy, it makes us look bad out here, you know what i mean? back and forth, this one and that one, and, in the meantime, she's gone anyway. am i right? i think if you, uh, okay it, you know, assure her that she's gonna be all right, she'll come back. well, once you get her here, you think about it, you know? but get the kid back here. she wants to come back. that's the, uh, that's the main thing here. you want your kid, don't you? huh? well, what are you supposed to do? i mean, what do you want to do? do you want to stay the way you are? you want to stay like this? you can't do that. i mean, listen, two people don't get along, at some point you gotta call it. i mean, it's none of my business, but i . i think that's what you gotta do. you gotta take it somewhere - what? what? what were you gonna say? go ahead. tell me what you were gonna say. go ahead. yeah. let me think about that. see who i got in there. gotta get somebody i can trust. you know? hm. yeah, right. that's sammy. and he's probably got it there too. no, he wouldn't. i would have. and he'd've been right, too. i mean, seriously. well, there's one thing you don't do. you don't take a guy's kid and then take off. you did. you're right. you did. i like that. i like that. that's what i like about you. you did the right thing. yes, you did. yeah. boy, he really fucked himself up out here - - didn't he? everything went to his head. he did. he ain't the same person, right? he really thinks who the fuck he is, i'll tell you that. come on, come on, you're a toughie. you can take this. don't cry. yes, you are. come on. don't be scared. is that what you want? a sponsor. mm. okay. don't worry about it. nobody'll fuck with ya anymore. i'll take care of ya. yes, i will. it's what you want, isn't it? huh? it's what you want? hey, ginger. don't forget, if you're challenged, you know, if he asks anything, deny everything. do you understand? i don't want him bringin' beefs back home . 'cause that could be a problem. you gotta be careful. he's not dumb, you know? you hear what i'm sayin', right? do i think you're stupid? no, i think you're beautiful. but i gotta go. go fuck yourself. walk, walk, walk. what'd you say? yeah, what'd you tell him? you think he's goin' home, makin' a beef behind my back? yeah, what's to stop him? i don't trust him anymore. but they'd never okay anything, you know? well, now, sure they're askin'. they earn with the prick. i got a funny feelin' he's gonna start a fuckin' war or somethin'. i'm not sure yet, you know. but i w- you know, but you know what i want you to do? who's this guy? who's this guy? you know what i want you to do? get a couple of guys to dig a hole in the desert, then let 'em show you where it's at. yeah, but i'm not sure yet. and when i'm ready, i'll say the words, 'go see the jew.' and you make it disappear, you know what i mean? did i say to do anything yet? i said i'm not sure. i'll let you know. i want to think about it. where're these pricks at? dominick said they're in the motel? yeah? all right. sammy. it's me. yeah, what are you doin'? you okay? well. uh, you know, i just wanted to talk to you a minute. yeah? well, listen, ginger's over here at the leaning tower with me. yeah, she's here. uh, all right. he's comin' over. ace don't. listen, don't. don't make a scene, all right? she didn't know who to turn to. she. she didn't know where to turn. she was tryin' to save your marriage. hey, be fuckin' nice. calm. be nice. don't fuck up in here. shh. hide her car in the back! what did i tell you? supposing he goes back home and makes a fuckin' beef? i gotta know exactly what you said. tell me what you said to him. i told you this was fuckin' dangerous. remember i said, 'ginger, this is a dangerous situation. be very careful.' you fuckin' yessed me to death. i'm not gonna kill him. shut the fuck up. what, do you know what you're talkin' about? i'm not killing anyb- hey, don't be such a fuckin' smartass, will you? i mean, i know the fuckin' guy thirty-five years, i'm gonna fuckin' whack him for you? fuck. motherfucker! i knew this, i knew it. how the fuck am i gonna get your fuckin' money now? you think he's gonna give you fuckin' money? are you out of your mind?! look what you just did to this fuckin' guy! if you would have just kept your fuckin' mouth shut! ah, what the fuck is the use? i should've never got invol- what? hey! hey! what the fuck are you. ? get the fuck out of here. get out! get the fuck out! get out. get out! get out! why'd i get involved with this fuckin' nut in the first place? get out! get her the fuck out of here. get her out of here. get the fuck out of here. all right, all right. all right. be careful. okay, yeah. be careful. hey, come on. get inside. can you fuckin' believe that? look at this motherfucker. i fucked up, frankie. i fucked up good this time. should have never started with this fuckin' broad. i'm in a bad fuckin' spot here. you know that? bad fuckin' spot. right away, i got wind of the pinches comin' down, so i took off. who needs to hang around for that bullshit? but they got almost everybody else. now, for the best. and i couldn't believe this shit. piscano's expense reports took the cake. he might as well have given them a fuckin' blueprint. everybody's names, address, dates, everything. what a fuckin' balloon head. when the bosses were arrested, some of 'em were so old they needed doctors at their arraignment. and when it looked like they could get twenty-five years. to life in prison, just for skimmin' a casino. sick or no fuckin' sick, you knew people were gonna get clipped. so, the day of the arraignment, they had this meeting right in the back of the court-house. see, when something like this happens, you know how things are gonna work out. it's always better with no witnesses. so, what about andy? as much as they liked him, i mean, he wasn't one of us. he wasn't italian. as far as they knew, he could have talked. otherwise, stony might still be alive. the first one to skip was john nance. he found a nice, warm secluded place in costa rica. he thought nobody would find him there. but, then, his kid got nabbed by the feds for drugs, and so naturally the bosses were afraid he'd come out of hidin' just to save his kid and give 'em all up. so. but anyway, they, you know, they all had to follow. everybody went down. before you knew it. anybody who knew anything wound up gettin' whacked. hey, mikey, how's your hernia? it took months for. dollars. i mean, it was still way too hot for me to even go near vegas, so i set up a meeting with the guys way out in the sticks. i didn't want my brother to get fucked around. i mean, what's right is right. they don't give a fuck about - urgghh! frankie! frankie! frankie, you piece of shit! fuckin' punk, motherfucker! piece of shit! no, no, no, no! dominick! oh, dominick. oh, dom. frankie. frankie, leave the kid alone. he's still breathin'. he's still breathin'. leave him alone. frankie. no balls, you got no fuckin' balls. oh, dominick. oh, dom. dominick. dominick. dominick.