hey, john, how are you? how was your ride? yeah, they made us somethin' to eat. i was out there with my cumma what else? i gave her a schaff i'm out there more than i'm here. come on, go back there? i never got paid my expenses for the last trip. well, i'm goin' all over, layin' money out of my own pocket, and i never get anything back. what the hell's goin' on? well, then, from now on, i'm gonna start keepin' records. well, i keep layin' out my own fuckin' dough for these trips and nothin' ever comes back. i mean, what hell's goin' on? what are we doin' over here? they're fightin' over those suitcases again. you know what that means, right? you know what that means, right? that means i gotta take another trip out to vegas, and it's gonna cost me another couple of grand. they're not gonna make a fool out of me. i write it all down in this book, every fuckin' nickel that goes down. right here, receipts. oh, sorry - receipts and bills and. everything's here. i'm sorry. nance gives me trouble and i'll tell him. screw around with those suitcases and i'll take the eyes out of his frickin' head. i didn't curse. i said 'frickin' head'. i'm sorry. plus, what's to prevent him with the suitcases, that he can take what he wants? fuckin' nance, he brings us back two suitcases from the tangiers, and what about three or four? we got nobody in the room to watch. that's the law. you know, we can't even go into the count room to watch our money? could you believe this cowboy bullshit? and sure he's got his people in there. but how do you know? they could all be in on it together, those miserable fucks. i'll find out and, if it's green himself, i'll bury that bastard. i've never trusted him. and you know i got eyes. behind my head. they trust that scumbag, i don't. right now, the way i feel, i'll hit the two of them in the head with a fuckin' shovel. mom, i'm sorry, they're beatin' me left and right. ma, i'm sorry. i'm all upset. you know - you know - you know what they're doin' to me? i can't take this no more. back and forth, back and forth. all right, all right. but i - i - you know, i - i'm too upset right now. and - an end has to be put to this. if i have to start handlin' things the way i. did years ago, start kickin' ass, i - i'll do it, and i'll use the goddamn shovel! i mean, i. everything's comin' out of my pocket. i gotta pay for all these trips back and forth, back and forth. i'm in this to make money, not to lose money. and. because. if you want somethin'. done right, you gotta do it yourself. those are my m- those are my mother's books. what are you guys doin'?!