and this is ronnie, who takes care of the card room. we need this guy. he's juiced in. he's the county commissioner's cousin. nice to see you, senator. certainly. senator. we have some nice penthouses you'll enjoy. maybe the presidential suite. ken, i don't know what the hell went wrong. i'm awfully sorry. i can't understand it. these mechanical things, you know, they happen. hey, be-better here than up there, you know what i mean? a convention? i can't believe that there's a convention. it's never. ? hiya. that's a lot of money to be counting out in public. why don't i take him over to the office and verify it, huh? a little privacy. and, by the way, send over a. nice bottle of champagne on ice, huh? real special. somethin'. by the way. i'm billy sherbert, your casino manager. having a good time? you'll want to count the money in privacy. you know, you don't need. sir, would you mind taking your feet off the table and putting your shoes on, please? fuckin' asshole won't budge. this woman's an institution. green's here about two or three times a month, and he's busy - - with other real-estate deals and - and things, you know. to abraham lincoln. here we go. good luck. sam, we got a problem. the little guy. he's half in the bag, and nobody told him he was eighty- sixed from the joint, so we. all turned our heads and made out like we didn't know who he was. he's over at the twenty-one table with his. nose wide open. he took the money out of his own kick. his nose is open for about ten thousand. now, he's really pissed. he wants a fifty-thousand marker. he's gonna come up with ten thousand, just the way you wanted. give you ten thousand - look, take - who's this? okay. just take it easy. i-i'll do it.