but i do want to welcome the ladies and gentlemen of the gaming industry. this is a very auspicious occasion. philip, if you would rise. on behalf of the teamsters' pension fund, it is my pleasure to present to you . . . this check for $62,700,000 for the new tangiers. you don't have to have a license to work in a casino. all you gotta do is apply for one. the state law says you can work in a casino while they're processing your application. they got a ten-year backlog. why would they want to find out? we're puttin' a hundred million into this desert here. why would they want to lock us out? and besides, they'll never find out. all you gotta do is keep changing your job title. like, uh, from casino executive to food and beverage chairman. and what happens it, they take your application, they put it at the bottom of the pile. i know guys workin' there for thirty years, don't have a license. you got it. nobody's gonna interfere with your running the casino. i guarantee it. i don't know maybe he could run things with another job title. wouldn't be the best, but, uh, what are we gonna do? what the hell is he doin' on television, anyway? he's on all night, screamin' about how he's gonna take his damn lawsuit all the way to the supreme court. he really must be crazy. he's gonna go to washington with this? he's out of his fuckin' mind. these guys back home don't give a fuck about the supreme court and any of this bullshit! they want things to quiet down. they want you to walk away from - the old man said, 'maybe your friend should give in.' and when the old man says 'maybe', that's like a papal bull. not only should you quit, you should run! what do you propose? they ain't sendin' nicky nowhere. i would forget about the maneuver. i would just get out. you call artie. and you tell him i don't care what, he's gotta be in my office thursday morning before eleven o'clock. it's terribly important. i gotta have a conversation with this guy. that's all.