oh, no. no, thank you, little lady. mr rothstein. i'm pat webb. hey, it is my pleasure. oh, thank you, sir. hey, house is doin' well. hey, all that money is rollin' in. i appreciate you takin' the time to see a poor ol' civil servant. hm? oh. thank you, sir. uh, i come here personally to kind of smooth over a fracas about a certain matter. see, uh, maybe you didn't know it, but, uh, don ward is a very well-liked man in this town. he's got lots of friends here. now, his family and their money go back many, many years. now, friends vote. family and money votes. that's important to me. and you. and if you'll think about our little problem along them lines. and you forgive me for sayin' it, maybe he did not deserve to be fired. before we point the dirty end of the stick at 'ol don, uh, we better be sure we can prove them charges. are, uh - - are we certain that you want the gamin' control board eyeballin' your record and your gangster pals like nicky santoro? you have got me there. old don is as useless as tits on a boar. but, he is my brother-in-law, and i would look on it as a personal favor if you'd think some more on hirin' him back. well, could there be any position. further down the trough? mr rothstein. your people never will understand the way it works out here. you're all just our guests. but you act like you're at home. let me tell you somethin', partner. you ain't home. but that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor. thank you for your time. you bet. hm. have you read this? hm? it's 'bout mr rothstein. it says 'the midwest bookmaker with mob ties says that he is the real boss of the new hundred-million-dollar tangiers casino empire.' you believe that? why, of course, he really said that. it's right here. has that man even filed for his license yet? well, without gettin' your shorts in a knot, would you do that? and kinda check closely, 'cause we may have to kick a kike's ass out of town. thank you. keep an eye on him.