catch another fish tomorrow. shit! shit! shit! with what? there's nothing to fix it with. this rope comes undone, you're going to drown. too tired. feels so good to lie here. can't. need water. thirsty. no water, no work. do too much, i'll die. going to die anyway. no more water, you said. no. no. if they can't see you, what's the point? you don't know where you are. you missed the shipping lanes. you're putting off the inevitable. that's what's happening to you. you're rotting away. get water! water water water -- you idiot, if he dives, he'll capsize the raft. look what you've done. what are you doing? you fucking bleeding heart, you kill or you die. they'd eat you if they could. they're laughing at you. listen. listen to this, wilson. because you piss me off. you're falling apart. first you eat your fat, then you eat your muscle. then you eat your mind. i'm lost. goodbye. look, just slip off the raft. the ocean would feel so good, the water's so soft and warm. take a little swim. sleep. the sea is lovely, dark and deep. use the sail for a sea anchor and you won't move. die tomorrow or die today. that's death knocking, knocking on your door. crazy little woman come knocking, knocking at my front door. yeah, sure, what? i'm so tired, my mind is on the blink. thank you for fucking up my life. he's going to get you, going to get you. what are you smiling about? they'll be back. they're never going to see you. you're just another piece of trash in the ocean. they're always on autopilot. or else it's night, or you're in the sun, or you're in the trough of a wave. they'll never see you. i float. you sink. end of story. it's a fucking soccer ball, you idiot. you are. look again, asshole. it's a mirage. nothing out there but ocean. what did it matter if fedex was five minutes late one day? the next day we just start over again. then we've just got shit. is that it? life is a fucking disney movie? you can't make it.