my guess is we're talking fuel filters here, fernando. the gas is dirty, these jitneys get in the mountains, their engines cut out. easy. each way. so it finally turned up. i'll catch the sweep tonight. it took this test package thirty-two hours to get from seattle to st. petersburg, a distance of nine thousand miles. and then it took forty-one hours to get from our warehouse in st. petersburg to here, a distance of, what -- so how are we going to get this place shaped up? there's only one way. we have to work together. every one of us depends on everyone else. if one package is late, we are all late. if one truck misses the deadline, we all miss the deadline. let's start by taking a look around. here, this table is too far from the wall. packages can slip down. like. . this. what could be in here? let's say one of you sent it. could be the closing papers on your dacha, could be a toy for your grandson's birthday, could be a kidney to keep your mother alive. i don't think you want your mother's kidney to end up behind a table. kamal? right. i'm getting them. i'm looking at the blueprints of k.l. right now. the belts are too small for the sorters. yeah, sometimes you never see what's right in front of your face. look, it's -- hold it! hazardous material needs its own container! -- three in the afternoon there, right? that gives you five hours until the sweep comes through. do the sort by hand tonight, then put in a new feeder belt, say a twenty-four incher. yes, overtime is authorized. i'm going out on every route, i'm going to work every job here, until i know enough to help you. that's it. worse than warsaw. the failures they remember. it's the successes they forget. you sorted your packages before you left. none of the other drivers did. so how come the other drivers haven't left yet? tell me exactly what he said. lev -- it's lev, right? listen, this is fedex. we don't have to accept the way it is. no, keep trying. a circuit's bound to open up. those damn northern lights. hello? great. try it. kelly, damn, look, this is chuck. i'm going to be a little late. well, more than a little. i had to go to russia. couldn't be helped. could you call and cancel the trip? look, we'll sail the keys in march. it's better then anyway. i'll be back before christmas. i promise. i think. i mean, i will. i, uh -- i miss you. only one still left? give it five minutes. let's go. that's bermuda. bermuda is in the memphis thru container. no, azores is europe. the paris container. africa too. japan goes to memphis. great job, everyone. remember, work together. we are like a hand. you got it. i absolutely, positively, have to get to memphis overnight. jack -- gotta be something wrong with our physicals, you keep getting certified to fly. gwen, aren't you worried? we're on time, right? little present from the emerging republics. what connects the world? what makes it one? we do. fedex. borrowed. i borrowed it. great. terrific. the good guys won one for a change. you what? i checked the weather, you had the jet stream, you could have made it up. jesus. i got it working. you have no idea how hard it was. they're finally a team. you fucked us over. i was making a point. every person counts, every package counts, that's my point. baloney. i do see the damn "big picture." it's a ketch kelly and i had chartered. and never take. forget it. i'm from arkansas. tell me a story with robert e. lee in it and maybe i'll pay attention. that's why you're a gambling man. for the third time. you are one sick fucker. this was nothing like warsaw. i held the truck then minutes, it's not that big a deal. a hundred rubles st. petersburg hits 95 percent in a month. talk is cheap. are we on or not? let's go off-line. two valium. damn thing. sorry, i'm really sorry. you seen kelly frears? hey, be nice to it, it'll be nice to you. you smell like formaldehyde. let's take a look. cold. i thought i did. got to follow the paper path here. used to you could fix these yourself. what do you want me to say? that i thought i'd done a great job but it all turned to shit? that i might as well have gone sailing for all the good i did? and i can't fix this damn machine. that's carcinogenic. on the other hand we could not take a swim. becca, as you know st. petersburg was consistently running late by six to ten hours -- sometimes a full day or more. i replaced the station manager. we identified inefficiencies and worked out a quality improvement plan i believe can be met. jim's a terrific financial man, no question. but we can't always parachute in from memphis. we've got to build up our local staff. we're building a new team here. we got every package on the truck for the first time ever. success is the best teacher. not if you work for fedex. four four. a record. ah, the staff meeting could have gone better. one of those packages just moved. hey, look at you. he is a cute thing. i can't even keep fish alive. and for you -- you know, for when you travel. i wasn't sending a message. i though you'd like it. i have to go. i'm on call for overflow down at the hub. you did? look, i love the puppy. i love you. but i have to go. i have to. what should we call him? or is it her? how about jango? we're a little emotional here. it's christmas, maybe we're over-reacting. could you watch jango? i can't take him to work. we'll talk about it when i come back. it'll all be fine. really. kelly? kelly? there. there. easy now. kelly? mom, meet jango. bless us o lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thou bounty, through christ the lord. amen. great. so did i. it's nothing you did, mom, believe me. look, i help take care of the place. you got my check, didn't you mom? come on roger, this is dad all over again. you already did beefalo, chinchillas, and what was that, ostrich? they chased mom around the yard, sprained her hip. but chickens? true enough. no sacred chickens nowhere, so far as i know. really? just don't count 'em before they hatch. mom, this is a farm. we've got real strawberries growing outside, we've got real cream. maybe i should take a few days off. roger's working now, you could use some help around here. the place is falling apart. doing great, mom, don't worry about me. come on inside, mom. you've had a long day. i need the latest pdrs on st. petersburg. terrific. yours? and get me in to the dentist. my tooth's acting up. right. get me everything on indonesia, new guinea, all the way to australia. kamal? kamal? can you hear us? kamal, you're breaking up. can you hear us? who is this? where is kamal? what's going on down there? who's in charge then, where is chinn? when's the next jumbo? anything else? call operations. get me on it. it's our dog. it belongs to us. yes there is. no, it was great. maybe a little overkill -- i guess i hadn't thought through how i felt. look, we'll do our trip as soon as i get back. malaysia. they're holding the sweep. a week, max. okay? okay? al -- gotta be something wrong with our physicals, you keep getting certified to fly. john, aren't you worried? you're on your way home, al? we're on time, right? all right, guys. i'm here. check the gps, get moving. where the fuck are you? sonofabitch. that was smart, really smart. ahhh. maybe the gps malfunctioned. that korean airliner did. okay, do the math. maybe they know where you are within, say 500 miles. that's a circle with an area of, uh, pi r squared. so, uh, 250,000 times three point one four, that's about 800,000 square miles. three times the size of texas. they could use a satellite. say each satellite photo is 30 feet square, that's uh. fuck it. billions and billions of photos. aw, someone will come. what the hell? oh jesus. i'm so sorry, al. so sorry. got to cover al up. got to cover al up. we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine. yellow submarine. we all live in a yellow submarine. bad idea. should have saved some. other than that, mrs. lincoln, how did you enjoy the play? shit! got to get there. got to see. c'mon. c'mon. don't be such a wuss. be bold. no way on. no way off. this is bad. really, really bad. come on. crawl if you have to. got to drink. got to drink something. they don't belong to you. got to have shade. got to have a hat. oh, god. thank you. you deserve a break today. damn fish! wait a minute. wait just a minute. don't leave home without it. yuck. yumm. got to get this fixed. water, water, everywhere, water, water everywhere. where's the water on this fucking island? just rest a minute. oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. let's see, i waited two days. then i buried al. al. you never made it home, buddy. then american express got me those clam things. i dug all those damn holes, the clouds over the moon. and today, the historic discovery of h, two, oh. ten days. shit. a crab, it's a crab. dammit! i did it. i did it! jesus. stupid fucking thing! i don't know what i did, god, but whatever is was, i am really, really sorry. you hear me? really sorry. don't have a choice, do i? okay. okay now. you're not getting it hot enough. got to hold the heat. got to hold the heat. sonofabitch! come on. come on. no. no. no. that's the big dipper. orion. or is that the southern cross? kelly would know. dammit! careful now, careful. yes! yes! yes! if i ever forgot to thank you god, and i am sure i did, thank you now. damn tooth! beautiful. so beautiful. a star. it's a star. it's a ship. timberrr! i heard that. no more waiting. take action. that's right. take action. how could i be so stupid? stupid, stupid, stupid. you're too low in the water. too damn low. dust thou art -- that's for damned sure -- and unto dust shalt thou return. shit! please. please. please. firewood. i need firewood. what the fuck are you doing? hang on. just hang on. shit. shit. shit. whoo, pig. sooey! no pain, no gain. chips? dip? no? another fucking day in paradise. help me, wilson. throws down the spear and waves his arms. no! wait! come back! wait! wait! you old airhead, you need a makeover. wilson, you bad! what do you think? you don't share much, do you? i guess i know how kelly felt. you said our life was a prison. dull. boring. empty. i can't begin to tell you how much that hurt. i don't want to lose you. i'm enclosing some salsa, the verde you like. use it on your sticky rice and think of home. then come home -- to me. we'll find the spice in our lives again. together. i love you. always. bettina. he never got it. she's probably found someone else. i would have. hello. what the hell are you waiting for? canteens. sea anchor. got to weave rope. spears. a sail. now i'm hoping that if this is airtight i'll get condensation down here, a cup or so a day. if i'm careful it should be enough. if i never return, know that here lived chuck noland for four years. i drew these paintings. i made these marks. and then i took my fate in my own hands and set forth to save myself, god willing. wilson, my main man. time to go. wonder what odds stan would give me on this. i'd say 90-10. against. wilson, we're out of here. slow down, damn you! catch it catch it catch it -- i'm an angel. here! here! no. no. no. sea anchor! let out the sea anchor! stop! you fucking murderers! i know you're talking about me! take me with you. why me? why me, god? oh, shiiiittt! permission to come aboard, sir. may i ask, where are you bound? as it happens, i'm headed for frisco myself. no please, join me. some sundried fish strips, a few eyeballs, some gills to munch on. chuck noland. born october 8, 1958. died -- pick a date -- july 11, 1998. and now the epitaph. met deadlines. kept appointments. lost without a trace. i am writing this to remind myself to live a better life. if i am lost, perhaps you who find this will be instructed to live a better live yourself. live each day. love your children. don't take anyone for granted. please, no sharks. jesus. jesus. jesus. shit! wilson! wilson! thank you. oh thank you. my favorite doctor. what's the verdict? sorry. sorry. why do my joints still ache? all i ate was fish. that's solid protein. which i didn't have. i am one lucky guy. but all that's behind me. i'm fine now. i most definitely say i am. yes, yes he did. not to mention on me. doc, i'm not on the island. i'm not on the raft. i'm alive. i'm so glad to be back, i can't tell you. i just want out of here. stan, it's chuck. chuck noland. two valium and the rolling stones. that ring a bell? it's me. i'm most definitely not dead. and as i recall, you're the sick fucker. i beat the odds! this is amber. her boyfriend lost his foot in a shark attack. hey. hey. it's okay! no. no. feels good. a few things came up. or went down. you look. wonderful. i like your hair. i thought you might have. i know. i would have done the same thing. you have any children? got a picture? is that jango? life's just one big joke after another. want to see my raft? you should have smelled me. i braided them. time i had lots of. that's my sea anchor. my second one. made it out of part of the sail. it keeps you from capsizing in a storm. in theory. and this, this i used to collect water. about half a cup a day. forty-three days. yeah, well. couldn't be helped. my epitaph. bad body chemistry. made me a little morbid. but i'm all over that now. there was a coffin? what was inside? that about sums it up. the plane went down. my friends died. i washed up on an island. then i found these barrels, built the raft, and here i am. the tide came in, the tide went out. i survived. that's the headline. i survived. cliches, mainly. don't take anyone for granted. don't sweat the small stuff. live each day like it's your last. not when you have no choice. i didn't know what really being alone was. no one back here does. we're not meant to be alone. not like that. share life, that's what came to me out there. be with someone. that's what i told the fish i caught. but i ate them anyway. great. really. i don't know. i really don't know. it means a lot. that you came. you too. you too. i never thought it would end. then it did. it was so great to be saved, i couldn't stop laughing. for years my only drinking buddy was a soccer ball. wilson. to wilson. hallelujah. what's it all about? it's about being so thirsty you'd crush a fish's backbone to suck out the spinal fluid -- that's what it's about. to life. believe me i know. but it's not being bold or being in the game or rolling the dice. when i was going crazy, on the raft, i'd argue with myself about everything. because everything had a price. to get anything -- a sip of water, a little corner of shade, an hour's sleep -- i had to let go of something else. and then i could never get it back. you don't win or lose. you win and lose. you win and lose. where's mom? tell me about it. wow. thank you. great. thank you. hey, rasheed, how you doing? thank you all. thank you. thank you very much. give me a minute. i've spent four years looking out at an empty ocean. it's all so -- big. you never think you'll miss -- all this. but i did. i really, really did. and i missed all of you. you've added some new belts, and what's that? digital laser readers. wow. terrific. i've never heard it this quiet. shouldn't you all be getting back to work? take your time. that's what it's about. not just that. take your time. use it. live it. deliver this package. then, i dunno. i need to do it. you want to help, help me find the woman who sent this. what about the sender? can you find her? thanks. for everything. check, please. when'd you start working here? i wanted to come here. that was great, mom, just great. i've got all this back pay coming. why don't you let me get you a place in town? miss that island? mom, come on. the tide saved me, mom. i lived by it. i'm just wondering where it will take me next. fedex for bettina peterson. charles noland. fedex special projects. there was an unavoidable delay. no. as much as anybody. okay. sure. it's good. possible. so you did those wings? they're harder to do than they look. well, i do a little drawing -- our apologies that it never made it to the recipient. well, not really, i -- to tell you the truth -- you did. no. that was the last one. hey. that was my last one. sure. need some help? no. i used to drive one of those. a long time ago. sure. yeah. well -- i didn't steal it, and he wasn't crippled. yeah, completely. had a package to deliver. i had it on the island with me. yeah, a long one. so do i. So do I.