the full moon shines a ghostly light on the beach. trees cast moon-shadows on the sand. chuck seems very, very alone. chuck sleeps by the coconuts. the tide is coming in. chuck stirs, gets up, staggers over to a palm tree to relieve himself. chuck lies in darkness, his eyes reflecting the moon. chuck lies on his palm fronds, groaning and holding his stomach. he drags himself to his knees, crawls a few feet, and throws up in great, violent heaves. chuck lies in his bed of palm fronds, shivering. he looks up at the stars, which blaze furiously. chuck stands by the edge of the water, which shimmers in the reflected light of the fire. a wave come in, licks at his toes. lifts up a coconut husk, sweeps it gently out. chuck watches, gets an idea. he begins to dig in the sand by the raft. he grabs the oar and digs faster, making a trench up to where the raft is.