what do you expect, from the guy who stole a kid's bicycle when his truck broke down? how'd it go? i had to bump your plane last night. it was fifteen minutes late. but i might not have. i'm touched. the point of fedex, as i understand it, is to make the damn connection. what? let paris hold its plane? let memphis take care of it? let somebody down the line clean up your mess? you know what your problem is? you just see the packages in front of you. you don't see the big picture. i didn't know we had sailboats. for all those vacation days you got coming. look, i'm sorry about your plane. but i couldn't risk being late into memphis. you know general mclelland, he wouldn't attack unless he had everything just right. finally abe lincoln came to him and said, general, if you're not going to use my army, could i borrow it for a while? so he gave it to grant and grant just said, let's go. we're warriors, not desk jockeys. we've got to be bold. you always want all your ducks lined up. but nothing's 100 percent. it's always 60-40, maybe 51-49. hell, i'd take 40-60. then roll the dice. that's why i'm running foreign and you're not. that's why you're not married and i am. take the plunge, admit your mistakes, move on to tomorrow. that's fedex, that's women, that's life. i'm trying to help you here. there's warsaw, there's this -- look, that kids' bike, that's a guy who'll do what it takes to get there on time. live up to your legend, that's all i'm saying. ninety five percent? just give me the money now. we're on. and the stones. got to be. chuck. wake up chuck. you gotta do your own delivery from here. we're already on it. he's a numbers cruncher. chuck's done all the right things here. malaysia's tanking. we're meeting in ten in operations. we got telex, e-mail? maybe you should get your ducks lined up first. hello? whoever you are, you are one sick fucker. god damn! god damn! chuck, it's you! you're fucking dead! chuck! god damn! god damn. god damn. god damn. you're alive, you're fucking alive! you beat 'em to shit, pal! jesus! hello. really. uh, there's somebody out here who wants to see you. she thought you were dead. we all did. how about we go somewhere else? this stinks really bad. cool ropes. must have taken a hell of a long time. you were how long on this? i'll be at the car. take you to the airport. when i first showed up, i thought you'd lost your fucking marbles. you need a drink. to wilson. so, what's it all about? you've been over the line and you came back. you've been saved, hallelujah! i'm serious. the burning bush, the big picture, the words in neon. do what it takes. that's what i always told you. to life. fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. that's all there is. smile. wave. digital laser readers. what? being patient. don't rush things. i get it. deep, real deep. so where to? the office? the hotel? the beach? what, then? you want that delivered, we'll deliver it. that's what we do. finish what you started. you haven't changed, chuck. it's still you. i do. no sweat.