i look fat. find out where she got those boots. georges shakes his head, seething. with catwoman, a fist comes at her face, she twists her head, sinks her teeth into the attacker's wrist, bone cracks. what is this about? i wasn't ready! beside the harried director sits georges, butterfly bandages over the scratches in his face. line?! i do. she turns to camera, holds up a jar of beaunique. with beauni -- a black-gloved fist smashes her hard in the face. drina staggers back, clutching her nose, shrieking, blood spilling on her wedding dress -- no! i just had this fixed! georges and the director are both out of their chairs, stunned at the sight of -- catwoman, in the midst of sudden pandemonium on the set. she reaches into her bodice and removes a small handgun. crew members scream and duck for cover as -- blam! blam! blam! catwoman shoots georges in the chest, he collapses, dead instantly. catwoman throws down the gun and sprints behind an altar screen and out of the church.