the military cargo chopper touches down. xavier and four mercenaries emerge. two mercs carry aluminum suitcases, all are armed with automatic weapons. in addition to chopper sounds, there's a whistling wind up here and the white noise roar of a.c. ducts. laurel, still in the cat suit but without the mask, is waiting. xavier approaches, a small briefcase in hand. laurel's manner is cold, professional, all business -- she couldn't be more different from the victimized female we met up here at the outset. the mercs methodically move canisters from the penthouse, up the stairs, to the chopper on the helipad, where a pilot waits at the controls -- the rotor blades spin lazily. mercenary #1, winded, calls to the pilot, who's absorbed in a copy of soldier of fortune: mercenaries #3 and #4 are in the back of the chopper, securing the canisters. #1 and #2 head toward the stairs, for another load. mercenary #1, in the rear, passes a low a.c. duct. the whip lashes out from behind him, wraps around his throat -- he can't cry out as it yanks him back behind the duct. we hear a nasty thunk. one down. on the stairs, mercenary #2 turns around. mercenaries #3 and #4 emerge from the chopper, looking around for the others. as they start to circle the chopper -- -- catwoman swings around from behind them, hanging from the slowly spinning rotor blade, she kicks them both from behind and sends them flying head-first to the asphalt. merc #3 is knocked cold, merc #4 rolls over on the ground, firing a burst behind him. but when the blade comes around again, she's gone. he has no idea what hit them. the pilot leaps out, a handgun ready. laurel and xavier reach the top of the stairs, followed by wesley and angel, just as --