look what the cat dragged in. this is why i only sleep with my own species. lunch at joey's? patience nods and waves as she hurries through a set of doors to an elevator bank. watch the frown lines, you'll need a lift before you're forty. look, he was just in a bad mood. sales are down, his marriage is on the rocks -- i have an enquiring mind. this is "nympho," very hot, i snagged it from the showroom. she opens a tube of lipstick, starts applying it expertly to patience's lips as she speaks. laurel's losing her looks, she's dumber than her cockapoo -- buzz is, georges is trading her in for next year's model. all i'm saying is, by now he's probably forgotten about canning you. shut up, you'll smear. voila, now suck your finger. patience puts her finger in her mouth, pulls it out with a pop, to keep the lipstick off her teeth. she studies the residue on her finger. no wonder you never made it in sales. angle through window behind them, as a long limousine passes. wow. sorry, patience, i just found a new best friend. patience, beside her, whistles appreciatively, then moves on. oh, you're a ray of sunshine. tell you what, let me take you clubbing this weekend -- you will be in that dress. i've had my eye on it for weeks. sally points at a mannequin in the window of a trendy boutique, garbed in a dramatic, sexy outfit -- a short bodice, a tiny skirt, plenty of plastic skin showing. it's a genuine gaultier knock-off -- but don't you ever wanna be somebody else? your tomboy days are over. this weekend, patience. i swear, i'm gonna make you have fun if it kills you. as sally moves on, camera lingers on the window of a lingerie store, scantily-clad mannequins, including one in black undies and a cat mask. yes it is. all this time you've spent mooning over that hottie neighbor and he points a gun at you -- i told you men go for trashy women. patience rolls her eyes, looks over sally's clothes. with any luck, i won't need to. that's the idea. i go out at night, i leave daytime sally behind, become a different person. all women do. except you, of course. yes! sally has just gotten the nod, hurries forward. patience follows, limping a bit. the bouncer blocks patience's path, looking her over from head to toe, disapproving. she's with me. she happens to be a very fine human being -- see, you shoulda bought the dress. patience bolts, humiliated; sally looks after her sadly. patience, what are you doing here? hm. did you dye -- -- your hair. you look different somehow. cooler. patience shakes her head, uneasy. are you going to the funeral? i know, tinted contacts. you didn't know? dave berger, your boss -- his whole place blew up, gas explosion, the night you got fired. yeah, life's short, huh. the hottie neighbor! that glow, you're getting some, aren't you? patience reaches the door to the elevators, waves sally off and vanishes. sally grins, figuring she's got it right. you look awfully hot. sure you don't wanna take that shirt off? sally winks at patience as she follows the man out the door. patience looks good, no trace of the old awkwardness -- she's integrated her cat side. the phone rings, she snatches it up in a swift, feline fashion.