acquisitions -- impossible -- there are issues of transport, available funds -- this isn't your first 'complication.' wesley unlocks a door to -- are we on? your husband? american women. i'm always impressed. may i? nice. xavier carefully removes the nozzle, nodding appreciatively at the canisters. avenal should think about getting out of cosmetics altogether -- chemical weapons are a growth industry. the mercs, with slightly nervous looks, begin carefully moving the canisters out of the penthouse, up the stairs to the helicopter. the elevator doors open -- it's angel. i'll be flying over water. i could drop him off. laurel nods and smiles gratefully. cuban. aren't these illegal? they both chuckle as they head out to the garden area. i was thinking after this business is over, you might spend some time with me on my island -- what the hell --? xavier takes the man's automatic weapon, he and laurel hurry up to the helipad. these are good soldiers. it would take a team of men -- what is tha -- midnight leaps onto his back, sinking his fangs in. a beat later, dozens of edna's cats attack the men; they scream as they try to pry frenzied felines from their flesh.