thanks for the horse. he's beautiful. but i thought we were going sailing. you promised. we can't fit into that! that'll do. come on, mister e. what now? who says? oh no. no you don't. i bet we can fix it. ed-ward. we agreed. no more mocky-lock. edward! a pocketful of rye. baked in a pie. almost. mocky-lock showed up. mocky-lock is a pain in the ass. a nursery rhyme. i'll tell the nurse. god, he loves when you visit. you don't know about me, though, do you? there's been progress. you picked me, remember? and i took the job. gladly. this is the next wave and i want to be part of it. then what is it? he hates me. she thinks i can bring edward back. i want to try it. please. why not? just once. a trial run. what harm could it do? why is it taking so long for us to reach him? because we've been reactive, that's why. and we need to be active. miriam. he creates the obstacles, he decides which games to play. it could take years for me to get past the barriers he's created. i do it all the time! i'd be there for him. okay, okay. no. yes mother. okay. i've got to feed my cat. besides, i want to get to bed early. pleasant dreams, mister e. go. to. sleep. it's fixed! i'm not signalling. i'm not signalling! i'm not. a pocketful of fucking rye. what's wrong? why did we stop? what if? what if he wasn't like this? what if he was "normal?" conscious. how far would you go? do you think he'd tell you what you need to know? really? i don't work with violent cases, i work with children. but even a kid lies. they love it when they get you to believe something that isn't true. don't you think stargher would do the same? okay. let's assume he wanted you to find him, that some part of him hated what he was doing. most likely, that part is dead. schizophrenics with whalen's infraction sever all ties with the real world. i'm sorry, i really am. if he came to trust me, yes, but it takes months to build that kind of trust. someone like stargher can't distinguish between fantasy and reality. it's all the same. he might tell me she's in timbuktu and absolutely, one hundred percent believe it to be true, but she's. i realize that. the first. what? six or seven times i went in. remember what happened? like a new year's day hangover. you don't know the procedure. then he should like this. they're comforted by the feeling of weightlessness. like floating in water. i'll be fine. no. no. hello? yeah, you like that, don't you? is your name carl? another little boy i know, he has a horse, too. his name's edward. the boy, not the horse. what's the matter, carl? what's wro---? is it cold in here? do you think that's funny? it doesn't have much to do with science. the soul. the spirit. whatever you want to call it. agent novak? do you feel there's a side of yourself you don't show people? just like we all have fantasies, right? things only we know, that we don't share. during the sessions. when i'm inside. i see those things. what a person hides, what they despite, what they want to control. with stargher. with stargher i saw things. a kingdom. his utopia. life without consequence or restriction. he's not even carl stargher anymore. he's this. idealized version of himself who can do anything he pleases. without fear. a horrible primitive ugly thing. i don't want to talk in here. why'd you bring him here? as soon as i met him, you knew i'd say yes. he makes julia real for me. you thought stargher wanted to be caught. you were right. there's a part of him that knows the truth. about what he did, about himself. this is going to sound terrible, but. i don't think she matters anymore. not to him. he never finished her. the others. he was able to make them his. he might tell me about julia. the part of him that wants to help, that feels shame and remorse. who wants to be redeemed. not stargher, not really. he's split himself right down the middle. good. evil, right. wrong, merciful. cruel. a monster. and an innocent child. if i could reach the boy. don't you feel there are different sides to every personality? maybe even the worst of us is capable of one decent act. we're all human. then what is he? if you believe that. what happened to charles gish? what happened? tell me. you're sure of that? tell them to prep him. and that i'll be right there. i need something. you're a good boy, aren't you, valentine? okay, okay. don't kid around, henry. yeah, yeah, yeah. i'm not sleepy. valentine? hi sweetie. need some help? carl, i want to give you a present. if you need me, or if you feel that i'm around but can't find me, just shine it, like this. what's wrong honey? i want to help you, carl. you sound like your father. then help me. where is julia hickson? maybe, because you want to. wait. he wants us to follow. the little boy. he brought you to me, didn't he? if you want julia to live, trust me. trust him. carl. this is peter. don't be scared. you're my friend and i would never hurt you. will you take us to her? to julia? carl, do you know? like on a map. it's okay, it's okay. you helped so much already. i'm proud of you. carl, i think i can help you. would you like that? even if peter can't find julia, i want to help you. i promise. carl! i can't leave him! a pocketful of rye. baked in a pie. what's wrong? go. i'm fine. go. you're all right, carl. it's okay, honey, you're with me now. you're safe here. i promised i would help you, and i always keep my promises. oh. no, honey, i'm sorry. it's doesn't work that way. but what if i told you you could come visit? i'll make sure it happens, carl. i'll get them to let me do it. and maybe. maybe we can. no.! i said no. welcome to my world. my world. my rules. no one deserves it, carl. no one. carl! carl? goodbye carl. everything's alright now, valentine. i promise. i don't need them anymore. thanks miriam. say hi to henry and. give a kiss to edward. ready. give her a minute. hello, valentine. absolutely. abigail. i heard julia and john got married. good for them. i told you. you have to be optimistic. believe in them. he's mine? it doesn't matter. not just yet. okay? they're hungry. thank you. No. Thank you.