"mister e." is doing fine. where did that come from again? anybody hungry? i'm hungry. there are other applications for the scanner, mr. baines. so what you're asking us to do is illegal? shouldn't we get a catheter in him? gentlemen, you stand before the one and only neurological cartography and synaptic transfer system. it provides a highly detailed map of the human mind. not the brain - any mri can do that. the mind. it reads and processes electronically allowing information to be transferred and interrupted. let's say your thoughts could be stored on dvd. if someone had the right kind of player, they could watch and listen to what you're thinking. but we can't record or store the data. the connections between nerve cells are constantly being modified. it's like the early days of television. the subject sends out a live feed and you receive it during time of broadcast. whatever happens, happens. all you have to do is "tune in." but you do more than tune in. you become part of the snow. don't touch that, please. about twelve years of research, right miriam? there's a touch-sensitive microchip implanted in her hand. if she becomes frightened, disoriented, or simply wants to end the session, she signals us to abort. not a gift. a highly evolved area in her cerebral cortex, that's all. a genetic fluke. initiating connection. transfer begins 1100 hours, 34 minutes, 12 seconds. gentlemen? she's back. must've been rather unusual. if her neural activity stays within this range, i know she's self-cognitive. as if she were having a dream, but she knows she's dreaming. she can "wake up" any time she wants to. however, if her level of involvement is rather intense, as it was just now, she can perceive things as true. it's difficult to keep perspective. we don't talk about that. well, theoretically, while she's inside. if she came to believe that stargher's world is her world, her mind has the power to convince the body that anything done to it is, um, actually done. that's why we monitor the use of the drugs so closely. we don't want her getting to that degree of perceptual disorientation. i think that's the whole point. that's interesting. increased neural activity in the frontal lobes. rising dopamine levels in the basal ganglia. ever since the dog walked in. uh-oh. i'm not. it's a power problem. i need you to go to the circuit breaker and check switches six through twelve. try to stay awake, okay? miriam. pulse is rapid, pressure's a little high. we should hurry. agent novak? press the sensor. they're back. the fbi has left the building. there was a moment when we thought we'd lost agent novak as well. his post-procedure consciousness recovery was remarkably quick. never saw that before. hey, remember that one time. catherine? what are you doing? she changed the codes. it would take hours to re-route the system, and even if i did, i shouldn't. instead of going into his mind.