in the darkened procedure room, miriam finds catherine standing between the two suspension devices, alone. catherine's face is covered by a cloth floating down from the sky. the sky is replaced by the ceiling and overhead lights of the laboratory, but miriam's face remains constant. now conscious, catherine finds herself in the lab at the campbell center, the suspension device lowering. cooperman guides novak and ramsey into the lab. the fbi men are impressed, but neither is quite sure what to make it all. the fbi escort team leader gets ramsey's signature and novak undoes the cuffs from stargher's wrists and ankles. following miriam's direction, the escorts guide the gurney carrying stargher into the procedure room. as cooperman shows them out, henry seals shut the door. miriam assumes responsibility for stargher's care and checks his pulse, iv, pupil dilation, and vital signs. as the agent brings the frightened animal into the monitoring area, catherine and valentine share a moment of "connection." slowly, confidently, she approaches the shepherd, kneels, and removes his leash and muzzle. she strokes him and the dog instantly warms up to her. henry sees a rapid rise in catherine's warning meter.