sing a song of sixpence. sing a song of sixpence. four-and-twenty blackbirds. did we go sailing? "mocky-lock is the bogeyman, mocky-lock wants me where i am." nursery rhymes, fairy tales, the bogeyman. all preparation for the horrors of the real world. you okay? lucien baines? i wouldn't say "hates." dislikes, distrusts, maybe. she adores you. someday you can. we all believe that. we've been over this a dozen times. no. i don't want to find out. shush. i've heard this argument before. it's not happening. if we reverse the feed and bring edward into your mind, it could be devastating for him. imagine the shock of suddenly existing in a whole other world. yes, but, you're a willing participant. picture edward in a strange place, lost, frightened. and he might blame you for terrifying him. that one moment could erase all you've accomplished. and if that happened, the trust he has in you is gone. besides, i don't know what it might do to you. you're already exhausted. have you been sleeping? i can prescribe something. you're sure? any more nightmares? good. we need you healthy and relaxed. you're going to eat well, meditate, exercise, and watch mindless television. i don't want you up all night reading edward's case file of the nine millionth time. balance, dear girl, is the key. leave the work here. don't bring it home in this. henry wants me to try this vietnamese place he's wild about. want to come? that's my girl. sing a song of sixpence. nothing. when did he lapse into the coma? what about the legalities of this? they took care of that, thank you, henry. why don't you give our guests a little tour? disorientation, nausea, migraines, hallucinations, insomnia, paranoia. he needs to be turned over. that may be true, but you don't have catherine's gift. she. what happened here? this isn't your responsibility. remember that. don't let them use guilt as a tool. if you want to stop, say so. she said convincingly. don't remind me. psychostimulants, serotonin, stabilizers, meprobamate, neurontin, lithium carbonate. and my baby. it duplicates and expands upon the effects of a chemical called oxytocin, forcing a break in the neuron connections that hold experience. so new experience can form. although none of what she experiences is real, she can be tricked into thinking it is. the mind is awfully gullible, so she needs to monitor herself. catherine? i'm about to start. if you want me to wait, or. catherine has a tremendous capacity for empathy. when we started, there were a number of test subjects - other therapists - who acted as "receivers." all they did was observe and report. nothing more. but catherine, she had the ability to feel what was happening. she understood. and the patient responded. edward engaged her in dialogue, took her places, showed her things. he knew she cared. intravenous administration complete. pump in two liters of pure oxygen, please henry. deep breaths. what happened? what's wrong? catherine! i hate to admit it, but there's something perversely satisfying about this. son of a bitch! that was with edward. she's accustomed to his world. stargher's mind is unfamiliar territory. she's "lost." someone has to go in. remind her what's really happening. and get her out. until then, she's at his mercy. yes. i have done this, you know. been inside. deep breaths. nervous? i have to ask you some things. are you taking any prescription drugs? any psychiatric medication? what about narcotics? i know your partner's here, but it's very important that you're honest. i doubt that. the first five minutes will be disorienting. give yourself time. let the drugs do the work. if you can see, smell, feel, hear, taste things - you're on the right track. once you've acclimated, try to get a feeling for catherine. instinct plays a huge role in this. trust it. you can control how you see yourself - clothes, shoes, that kind of thing - but the rest of it is up to him. use only what he provides. don't try to change anything. or introduce something of your own. it'll only upset him. no matter what happens, peter, remember one thing: it's not real. don't move! agent novak! yes. but you're going to sit down right now. i have to. four and twenty blackbirds. damn him. agent novak. i didn't get a chance to clear him. keep an eye on her. what's wrong? she's done it. stupid, stupid girl. she's bringing stargher into hers. he's in full arrest. help me! i left the nutritional information on the fridge door. read it. i refilled the zyprexa and atavan. i know. i'll come by tomorrow after work. with dinner. give a kiss to edward. agent novak. you're looking well. that's a secret. awaiting his arrival. completely unaware. i've got to go. good luck.