thanks for waiting, teddy. anne marie vicksey. just graduated law school. single mom. had a two-year-old daughter. the semen on her legs and abdomen. grandparents. live over in davis. how is she? here he is. anne vicksey didn't own a dog. i need it. now. the dog's an albino. he'd love an animal like that. donna krozin. helen francis, teresa manicki. antoinette simms, natalie pagels, grace cassatt. anne vicksey. smart, gentle, attractive young women. just starting out in life. embarking on careers, going to school, getting married. they were killed. kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. by a white male. about 30-years old. who owns an albino dog.. nicole labetzki. victim seven. forensics found dog hair in her car, but they had a k-9 unit at the scene and never had it checked. it's his dog. be thorough, but be fast. this guy's accelerating. he only waited six days this last time. when he started, two months could pass. this can mean different things. he thinks we're stupid and can't catch him. he's having fun and needs more. or. this dog hair thing is sloppy. the body this morning was found in less than three inches of water. he knew we'd find her. he wants to be caught. but if we can't stop him. he can't stop himself. after three years she remembers what the guy drove? where is he? you're the bad man, aren't you, carl? have they seen him? we proceed assuming she is. no. can you get a man close? go. paramedics. now. he's alive. make sure he stays cuffed. two men on him at all times. i don't want anyone treating him but reid. not so much as a thermometer up his ass. understand? this girl. julia hickson. only he knows where she is. they're in that fucking thing for forty hours, gordon. four-oh. he got julia at seven-thirty last night. you know what time it is now?! sometime yesterday morning. each tape is the same. he provides food, drinking water, a toilet. periodically, a shower starts. it's on some kind of timer - he's clever with machines, building things. i think he wants them to believe this is a simple kidnapping. that there's a possibility of rescue. of survival. but it's just a form of torture. at the end of the fortieth hour, the drain shuts. the water starts and doesn't stop. we've already lost more than a day. if she isn't found tonight. she dies like the rest. stargher is in custody. the functional equivalent of being under arrest. normally, we'd mirandize him, and if he didn't lawyer up, we'd interrogate him. but because of his condition, he doesn't have the capacity to waive those rights. no, not at all. we're dealing with exigent circumstances. somewhere there's a kidnapped woman still alive. if we weigh the suspect's constitutional rights against the public safety. the law favors the victim and gives us a lot of leeway. it's called the public safety exception. pretty much anything we want. there's a chance to save a human life. because of that, stargher has no reasonable expectation of privacy. as far as i needed. there's always a chance they'll confess. sometimes. once they've been caught they feel a need for disclosure. they have so much they want to tell. but they've never had a sympathetic ear. they need someone to understand why. stargher used to hide the bodies very carefully. it was part of the ritual. some weren't found for weeks and any physical evidence had been meticulously wiped clean. but these last three. they were still in water - always in water - but listen, he wasn't just careless. it went beyond that. thanks. what else do we do?! i don't have to. tell you what. if this thing burns us, i take that heat. i give you permission to point your finger at me and say "it was all his idea." that won't happen. i still don't understand why i can't do this. this isn't some "troubled kid" you're dealing with. how hard could it be? this man is deeply disturbed, he. i know him. that's the stuff? you said she has a "gift." what happened? what happens? dr. kent? i'll get her. edward baines, i presume. hi, ed. i'm pete. no. not at all. from what i understand, he knows i"m here, isn't that right? i read about a woman in texas who was in a coma for seven years. every time her husband came to visit, her heart would beat faster. isn't that something? i don't know what name scientists have for something like that. what then? ah, the part of us that can't be explained. peter, okay? absolutely. i suppose everyone does. that's what therapists are for, right? what did you see? you're the shrink, you tell me. it's an old lawyer trick. target the emotions. do it right, you get a reluctant witness to testify, a scared kid to confess. before i was with the bureau, i was an attorney, a prosecutor. mr. law and order. and then. i had a murder case in north carolina. charles gish. butchered seventeen people in three days. and because of one tiny piece of tainted evidence, he walked. that's when i quit the da's office and joined the fbi. i did, yeah. what about julia? you think you can do this, don't you? this is stargher we're talking about? whoa. hold on. aren't they the same guy? it's hard for me to see stargher as human, capable of something like "remorse." evil. maybe this is a big fucking waste of time. what difference does it make? right after the trial, the night after he was released. mr. and mrs. frank simmons found charlie sitting in their living room watching tv with their twelve-year old daughter margaret. he'd cut her right down the middle with a carving knife. found the girl's heart in the freezer - he thought they might want to keep it. luckily, the next thing he did was slit his own throat. i am convinced of one thing. charles gish could've been raised by ozzie and harriet and the same thing would've happened. a child can experience abuse worse than charlie's. and grow up to be someone who would never, ever hurt another living thing. yes. i am. right here. but you looked so cute. all sleepy. thank you. remember, julia hickson is priority number one. nothing else matters. find out where she is. when we got here, you just topped and pulled her out. into stargher. inside. no. absolutely. prevacid. for my stomach. no. no. i am. i'm a pretty boring guy. not real. catherine. jesus. catherine. listen to me. listen to me! you're catherine young. you majored in psych at uc san diego. you work for sunerset industries. your grandmother raised you after your parents died in a car crash. when you were twenty-one, you were arrested for possession and got off with community service. not real, pete. this is not real. you had to work at a center for abused kids for three months. you stayed on two years for no pay. you give half your fucking salary to the nursing home your grandmother stays at. i know this because i work for the fbi. peter novak, remember?!?! remember. you are cath- help me!!! fucking feels real! not real. not real. not real. like hell "wait." little boy?! that's him! where the hell are we? let's go. come on! get me out! get me out! is she alright? this is novak, who've i got? i need you to find something in the basement. that hoist, with the winch. there's some kind of plaque, a metal plate, with a logo. on the base. find out the history of that machine. who bought it, used it, sold it. and check stargher's pay stubs. i want to know every contractor he worked for. i'm calling you from the chopper in ten minutes. considering where i've been. i saw her. julia. alive. i saw everything. cole? delano? you're kidding me. the exact location, cole. give it to me. take it down! cut the engine! julia! move aside! dr. kent. thanks you. six weeks off does a body good. i heard she got the approval to try the reversal with edward. federal bureau of investigation, ma'am. we know all, see all. how's the patient. what about the cat? ready? that went well. you sure about this? yep. eloped. well look at that. so you say. all yours. my boss says it's one of the strangest requests the bureau's ever had. he also says that until proven differently, julia hickson was found as a result of good old-fashioned detective work. i don't know. i think it does. you know, catherine. if you ever want to talk about it. what happened to stargher. that last time. i got it. no problem.