who found her? well, honey, what's worse? doing it yourself or asking your mother for help? can it wait 'til i get back. i have no idea, jeannie. well all right. good luck with the monster. i love you too. bye-bye. we call jeannie's mother "the monster" because, well. she just is. i know you could care less about my personal life, peter, but i do appreciate the occasional, "how's your wife, gordon?" pregnant. thanks for asking. damn, man, i give up. your partner tells you his wife's gonna have a baby, and all you care about is a coroner's report! i feel for those girls too, pete. and their families. but it's just a job. someday it'll be over. and then what'll you have? more hair. i could knit this guy a toupee. and that means? a purebred german shepherd. breeders typically destroy albino pups, so this animal is truly unique. registered breeders of german shepherds. she was still living at home? john, you came to pick her up when? no sir. i'm sorry. she remembers because it was her "dream truck." wanted one just like it. let's give old carl a call. tell him he's got company. she's not here. you should come downstairs. what the hell does that mean? what're you doing here, reid? paving the way for his insanity defense? whoa. wait a minute. we'll go back to his house, pete. there's still a lot to do. analyze the videos, track sales of the bleach, go through his records. maybe he owns property somewhere. is it possible? you sure you want to go through with this? i don't know, pete, but for god's sake. this is nuts. do you really understand what they're going to do? why jeopardize what we've already done? we caught the sonofabitch. carl stargher. that's going to be like bundy, gacy, dahmer. a case that makes careers. but if we push our luck. if this is all bullshit and we come out smelling like it. that's not what i'm talking about, pete. i'm talking about waking up and realizing this girl's gonna die. we removed eight metal rings. sorry. what is it - are they - exactly? what happens here? where the hell you been? next time, tell me, okay? your colleagues want to know what to do with stargher. jesus christ, man, you look like hell. whoa-whoa-whoa. mind telling me what the fuck is happening? you're bettin' the farm on something you saw after they pumped you full of god knows-what kind of shit? you might've seen jimmy hoffa dancing with timothy leary. i don't care. pete, listen to me. what did you really learn in there? anything new? you really think stargher gave you a save the-day clue? what if this is all some kind of trick your head is playing on you? what are you talking about? done what?