thanks, but no, we got 'em all. yeah, wanna help? ryan tries to ignore his thundering heart. chloe. the handshake lingers a second longer than necessary, and they both smile at each other. chad splits. i can't tell if you're full of it. ryan stops posturing, gets real. maybe you and i can take a break later when pat benatar goes on. oh no -- i forgot. i still have to pick up a box of t-shirts at the kinkos on venice. seriously, you would? nothing. it's been paid up front. done. ryan makes a graceful exit. turns back. bye. ryan grabs chad, and as they walk out of earshot: there you are! where the hell were you! ? know how many hours i waited for you to bring back those stupid shirts?! what'd you do? sell them on the prominade yourself--? but ryan's got no time for this. what -- are you high? suddenly, mooney steps up beside ryan and grabs him. oh my god-- someone call 911! a crowd starts to gather when -- ryan feels the barrel of a gun nudging his back. tomlin's gun. you better lie still. the paramedics should be here shortly. but mooney's obstinate. he rises despite her best efforts. """how does it feel to be a hero? modesty can be sexy. next time, skip the shower. in the background, jessica and ricky exit a hospital room and join the two lovebirds. come on ricky, let's get a hot chocolate. a small smile forms on ricky's exhausted face. chloe leads ricky down the hall.