go get the kid. instantly, a hulk of a man and an arrogant, red- headed prick stand and exit the house. as greer stalks away( boom down the bar to reveal a telephone sitting there, unnoticed by the men -- and on its face, the line-in-use indicator light is lit. push in on the flashing orange light that threatens to give ryan and jessica's call away. closer and closer, until we enter the phone and travel through the wires to -- do you want to die here? jessica drains white -- does he see the phone?! you have three seconds to tell me where he really is or you're going to a funeral. thre-- i know. we just got focused on a rabbit we're here to nab. just then, the young guardsman returns. i didn't. make a scene and you'll never see your family again. now who's here with you? craig's eyes swell with fear. where is the disc now? blood trickles from the corner of craig's mouth. your call craig. it's an eighty-five ''cent bullet to me. get up. we're going. lying bitch! ! who was that kid in really? go cut the kid's throat. though ryan's eyes widen in panic, his voice remains cool. copy. hodges, show the woman. lower the passenger side window only. you sure you know what you're doing? no! we don't have the dvd. just hold his location. hodges, parking lot now! just as hodges reaches for the door handle -- jessica wraps her cuffs around his throat, throws her legs against the back of his seat and pulls like her life depended on it. hodges chokes, flails, digs, and claws at the cuffs, but his fingertips are no match for jessica's muscular legs. no more bullshit! just give me the goddamn disc! ryan slowly unzips his front jacket pocket and removes the