shoot hoops. shoot. nervously, ricky begins to bounce the ball. okay, kid. let's go. move! when he gets near the door, jessica is overcome with emotion and races to her husband. let's go. the kid!! -gotta go, boss. the guard's dead. hodges waits by the rooftop door, looking concerned as cops spill out around him onto the roof. boss, you better take this. greer stops, a footstep away from seeing the open attic door. from the bottom of the steps, hodges tosses him a cordless phone. greer puts it to his ear. well? what'd he say? -- holy shit! greer sees hodges gaping up the stairwell. following his look, greer turns. and sees the attic door wide open! further in, he can make out deason's bloody body and the rigged-together phone. in fact, the only thing greer doesn't see is jessica. i'm in position. what? i tomlin? anyone copy? jessica, cuffed from behind, covertly wriggles the handcuffs under her ass toward her feet. ricky, terrified, screams "no" with his eyes. but she knows she's out of time.