come on powell, put the sharks with the sharks, the jets with the jets and make room. rookie powell suppresses his irritation and roughly yanks the gangbanger back over to the holding cells. mooney puts down the pizza, no appetite, and stares at the news story playing on the tv mounted in the corner. dirty pricks deserve what they get. public hates us enough without this shit. keep walking, shelly. nothing to see here. a friendly tug of war. she'd say nothing, 'cause she's not gonna know about it! christ, shel, my old man had eleven heart attacks. eleven! i have one little infarction and you guys start treating me like an invalid! i'm a grown man! leave me alone, will you?! i hate this place. is busy doing ten things at once. signing release papers. booking a drunk whose wife-beater tee is drenched in blood, etc. christ, i've only got two hands here! stick him in the can, will ya? crewcut nods and moves off towards the bathroom. nice try, kid, but i got no time for pranks. which is it, a kidnapping or a murder? okay. give it here. ryan thrusts the phone at him, happy to get rid of it. ah shit. mooney holds out the phone. hurry kid, take this upstairs to robbery. homicide and ask for detective tomlin. up the stairs, tomlin! ryan turns away, and as he returns the cellphone to his ear, he's startled to hear-- it must've been around '84, when. the cops turn around, while grabbing their stuff. hey tomlin. my anniversary. you know, duty calls; pricey dinner and then some crap-ass play. hey, i sent some college kid down to see you this morning. had some rap about a kidnapping -- i thought it was a prank at first, but the kid was so worked up-- yeah. okay, jack. thanks. and as tomlin walks off -- hi, honey. yeah, i'm gonna be a few minutes late. and as mooney closes the door and starts up the engine-- ms. martin? jessica kate martin? the woman nods. mooney is plainly disillusioned by the woman. maybe his hunch was wrong. mooney. no. no, i guess not. must've been a prank. i m sorry to have b9thered you, ms. martin. have a nice day. the woman smiles and nods, and mooney walks off. when he gets to his car, he crumples the paper with jessica's name and address, and shakes his head, chuckling at himself. as mooney drives off-- yeah, i know. she pulls him back down for another kiss. you're gonna dance with me all night long, until we're too pooped to pop. well almost. a giggle. they kiss. yes i will, after i shower. they both share a laugh. whenever you're ready, hon. still wearing his holster, he shifts uncomfortably on the bed as he watches the news. what? mooney watches as they continue to detail ryan's "wild crime spree", but gets the bigger picture, realizing that every event --the verizon store; searching for the martin kid; i need the phone number for a residence. jessica martin in brentwood. the woman at the house didn't have an accent. marilyn smiles, realizing he's really talking to himself. mooney hangs up, thoughts racing. he reaches behind him, and without looking he grabs his wallet and keys. he then walks over to marilyn and kisses the top of her head. she knows him, and knows something's up. i'm sorry honey( but i have to check on something real quick. delay the reservation if you have to; i'll be back in twenty minutes. and mooney's gone. hello? l.a.p.d. anybody home? no answer. drawing his gun, mooney stalks carefully into-- drop your gun, now. i got you. now we see him. still down in the entryway, behind some cover, gun aimed and steady. i said drop it.' bayback relaxes -- then whirls around, disappearing down the hall! mooney curses and quietly jogs up the stairs, following her into-- damn it! damn it!! angry, the adrenaline drowning out the pain, mooney turns to the kidnapper laying in the hall, bleeding out. kicks her gun away and kneels. but for the first time, bayback isn't tough. just scared. tell me where jessica martin is or you bleed to death right here. where is she?! bayback struggles for air, reaching for him-- oh shit. mooney grits his teeth against a fresh wave of pain and picks up the phone, dials 911. request emergency back up and medical units! officers down at- jack, she didn't identify herself. i shot a cop! dana bayback. from the 23rd. she was one of the kidnappers. tomlin looks stunned by the revelation. i hate to think more cops are involved, but-- never got the chance. detective tomlin frowns. what's the word? shouldn't we be on pico? to the right, some people wait for a bus. tomlin turns left. let's solve the goddamn thing. that's him! there he is! i've been. looking for. you, kid-- but ryan struggles, thinking mooney is with the bad guys. mooney grabs him as he tries to make a break for it. jesus, kid, calm down!! trying to break mooney's stronghold, ryan shoves him backwards, slamming his injured shoulder into the pier just keep that ambulance close by. and as he stumbles off-- ""freeze! drop your weapon! ellis quickly swings his rifle and-- bam! mooney shoots ellis in the head, causing him to slide off the carousel roof. lower the weapon, jessica. ricky's safe. it's all going to be okay. put it down. jessica slowly lowers the gun and looks into ryan's face.