murdered your housekeeper? don't bullshit me; i work in the industry that invented it you stupid cow! ryan sees simon cowell mouth the words "stupid cow" in synch with the conversation. bingo! ryan floors the rent-a-cop car ahead of the cadillac and pulls a 90 degree turn at an intersection; cutting cowell off! screeeech! cowell, trying to avoid a collision, slams on the brakes, causing the cadillac to skid twenty feet. ryan jumps out of the rent-a-cop car he's left in the middle or the intersection and runs over to the cadillac, banging on the window with the .38 special. cowell practically jumps out of his skin at the sight of the gun and the kid with the crazy look in his eyes. bloody hell!! it's on speaker! ryan turns to the car. calls out. your career's over! you hear me?! just give me my goddamned car! but i didn't cause it to get impounded! can't you understand that?! it was stolen from me! yes! but i'm not paying for it! the cashier signals a grungy yard worker on the other side of the fence. wait, wait! all right you bloody fascist, i'll pay. but if there's even the slightest scratch on it. howie smiles, thought so, gets out and splits. as cowell angrily starts making out a check, the cashier flicks the switch to open the gate, and as it opens-- ryan slips in. he sneaks behind the wheel of the idling cadillac. and the moment cowell hands over his check -- vrrrrooom!! ryan burns rubber out of there. hey, that's my car! cowell chases it -- and watches in horror as ryan takes a speed bump too fast and tears the rear bumper off the noooooooo!!