look, captain, we've got to do everything we can to protect this guy. i mean, shit, with all his years in he's owed a little. said something about a kid who came into the station earlier-- greer grimaces, putting it together. yeah. something like that. are you sure that's necessary, sir? sure. that's what i thought. i'll tell him. not g9od. i.a.'s not throwing out any lifelines with all that's going on. . come on. you can write a statement while i take you to the hospital. county will have a six hour wait. ten if they know you're a cop. mooney grunts his gratitude as tomlin heads toward a wasteland of warehouses. and just as any potential witnesses vanish from sight -- tomlin's cellphone rings! he lowers the gun and answers the call. yeah? not yet. i'm on it. tomlin flips his phone closed and turns the car around. we caught a break with the kid. he's been spotted on the pier. think you can hang on a little longer? just enough to id the kid before we patch you up? mooney clearly doesn't want to say "no." but it hurts. whaddaya say? up to you. beat. it's over kid. fuck! ryan's got no choice but to slowly walk toward the end of the pier. mooney - from his prone position, he catches a glimpse of tomlin backing ryan quietly into the crowd. not trying to help. not calling for an ambulance. in that instant, mooney knows he's been betrayed. tomlin's in on this. for all the trouble you've caused, you'd better have that goddamned disc. where is it? just then, greer appears through the crowd ahead of him. like a nightmare, he closes in. ryan slowly slips his phone into a waterproof pocket in his windbreaker and zips it up. you're wounded kid, just give me what i came for, and i'll let you all go. police sirens in the distance grow louder. tomlin's offer goes unanswered. that's when he notices the blood on the ground. tomlin smiles, following ryan's trail to a pile of blood-smeared tarps -- where the trail ends! it's obvious ryan used these to staunch his wound. shit! he's gonna have to search this whole place-- then, suddenly, tomlin gets an idea. he pulls out his phone, making sure it's concealed from view, and writes a text message to-- x95 ext. santa monica pier - night 195 greer pulls out his ringing cell phone. on the text screen it says, "call him". greer flashes an wicked grin, and dials the last number on his call log. shoulda stayed at home this morning, kid. and just then, tomlin throws off the shredded tarp exposing-- ryan's cellphone. and nothing else. what the-- and in the instant tomlin realizes he's been tricked, he turns and--