as she lowers the paper, incredulous. with christine and briegleb, in the rectory garden. ybarra glances off to a rustling sound, and follows it to as suddenly someone runs across the dirt yard into the house, slamming the door. ybarra runs to the porch, tries the door. locked from the inside. he pounds on the door. as sanford cries out with the memory. we pull back to see the others in the room staring at him. he turns away, won't meet their gaze. something's terribly wrong. -- as the long ash at the end of ybarra's cigarette, tumbles to the floor in slow motion, end over end, shattering when it hits the floor and bringing us back to full speed. as thorpe looks to the other members of the council, and the area where witnesses are supposed to wait to be called upon. a number of seats are empty.