no word from mrs. collins? get on down to her house, make sure she's all right. if she's not there, call the lapd, see what they know. this is pastor gustav a. briegleb of st. paul's presbyterian church, bringing you the lord's word on radio kgf. good evening. i had hoped to have a guest with us tonight, but apparently she has been delayed. since she can't be here to tell you what she told the press this afternoon, i'll fill in the best i can. i'm going to tell you what happened, and i'm going to keep telling you right here, every night. until someone does something about it. are you captain jones? what the hell have you done with christine collins? don't try and lie your way out of it. i talked to several neighbors who saw her being driven off in a police car. a what?! where? i want to talk to somebody in charge! right now! who's in charge here! you the doctor who's got christine collins locked up in here? intercut with: you'll damned well discuss this one with me! read it! read it, damn you! you give me every piece of paper you've got on this case, you hear me? every piece! when does she come down? how are you feeling? nothing that can't wait until you're stronger. the police still have a car parked outside. they want to know what your next move is. and then? it's dangerous, and you've already been through a great deal, mrs. collins. right now you're sufficiently high-profile that the police will hesitate to come after you out in the open. but if they see their position threatened, that could change quickly. your life could be in danger. mrs. collins, i want you to meet a friend of mine, mr. hahn. sorry to barge in so late, mrs. collins, but it took me a while to find the right people for the right job. these three gentlemen are members of my congregation who, before coming to the lord, had lived lives of brutality, vice and crime. now they are pledged to doing god's work. and if this isn't it, i don't know what is. people who bring charges against the police have a habit of since we don't plan on sleeping, coffee would be lovely. traffic's getting heavy. we'll go up spring. hold on. start walking. quickly.