the charge is conduct unbecoming an officer, and using improper and abusive language toward mrs. collins. it further charges that he exceeded his authority as a police officer by incarcerating mrs. collins on the alleged charge of insanity without sufficient cause. i won't even dignify that question with a response. good day. -- so after much effort, we were able to identify this boy, who was has been responsible for so much recent trouble, as arthur hutchins of cedar rapids, iowa. between this, and the arrest of the man suspected of murdering the real walter collins, we have cleared up two of the biggest mysteries in the history of los angeles. i hope that you gentlemen of the press will give as much space to the good things we do as the mistakes that are made on rare occasions. ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the boy's real mother, mrs. janet hutchins. oh, no, not at all. there. blame the police for your own mistakes. we've seen a lot of that lately, haven't we? -- no, as i said after the hearing, i have every intention of finishing my term as chief of the los angeles police department. i will not resign. i will fight to the finish. the collins case was merely an excuse for certain politicians who have been trying to have me removed for some time, and i -- -- anyway, i remain confident that the mayor's office will stand firmly behind me. that's all.